Post 110 Satan And The Law Of Attraction

Hello, There are many self help books and Youtube videos that talk about goal setting, mind power, and taking massive action to achieve our desires. Essentially it’s the Law of Attraction repackaged. This law states that certain situations come into our lives through the magnetic power of our…

Post 109 Pain Is A Gift- Part 2

Hello, Today I want to talk to you about one way God tries to steer us back to the right path for our lives. Let’s take the example of an earthly father. If an earthy father caught his son doing something against the law or against the father…

Post 108 Pain Is A Gift

Hello, Today I want to talk to you about the pain that occurs from being disobedient to God. Not a fun topic, but once we experience God’s blessings for obedience, we realize that it is worth knowing. Many people have the very  unwise idea that anything we &#8220…