Post 125 The Teachings Of Genesis part 1

  “Then God said let there be light, and there was light.”(Gen 1:3)  Do you believe those words? Our destiny, including our financial stability, peace of mind, and ability to comeback after a major setback or illness, depends on whether or not we choose to believe those very…

post 124 Body, Soul and Spirit Part 2

Hello, I would like to continue last week’s discussion. When I was first reading about our soul, our spirit and the Holy Spirit, it was difficult for me to conceptualize. Then all of a sudden, I received a word picture in my mind and it has made all…

Post 123 The Body, Soul and Spirit- Part 1

Hello readers! Today I would like to talk to you about the Trinity of God. Let me start by sharing this verse of Scripture: Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” (Gen 1:26a) This is our first introduction to the Trinity…