Post 216 The Kingdom of God

Hello, Before I became a Christian I only knew about being saved by faith in Jesus Christ. I was never taught about obedience to God and that the Lord had conditional blessings to bestow on those who followed His ways. This was due to the fact that my former religion…

Post. 215 No Joy? There Is A Remedy

Hello, Today I’d like to talk to you about Joy. Joy in God’s eyes is a relationship with Him. It is not based on circumstances- meaning, joy doesn’t come into our life after our life is calm and running smoothly. We can possess inner…

Post 214 Disconnecting From Love

Hello, This will be a quick post to ponder if you wish. We are all love….this is a statement that came to me during a dream at a very tough time in my life. I felt as if liquid love was all around me and I was so…