Post 62 Faith Is Active

Hello! So I have some good news…God wants you to enjoy your life! “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10) The way to this abundant life is FAITH! And faith is more than believing in our…

Post 61 We May Not Be Olympians, But We Have Training To Do!

Hello, When you were a kid did you have any aspirations to be an Olympic athlete? I know I did.  Even if you never got to that arena there is an arena we can train for in order to receive all of God’s blessings.  It’s the…

Post 60 My New Book/Journal Is Here!

Hello! We have all been there, we go about our secular life and plan our days based on our “To Do” list, adding a little fun here and there in order to treat ourselves for our hard work.  We can live this way for years until we are…