Post 222 Don’t Live On Luck – Read The Bible

“Then God said let there be light and there was light.” (Gen 1:3)

Do you believe those opening words in the Bible?

What if our happiness- including our peace of mind, financial health and ability to come back strong after a major setback or illness, depended on whether or not we believe those very first words spoken by the Lord. What if the quality and eternal impact of our life was based exclusively on our belief, trust and adherence to the supernatural powerful words of God -would you reconsider how you take that opening verse of Scripture?

Jesus told His followers when they questioned His Words, that their mistake in life was that they didn’t know the Scriptures or the power of God.

Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.(Matt 22:29)

There are so many believers that are eternally saved yet live totally defeated.

Let me repeat that.

Many Christians are saved- they believe in Jesus as well as His death and resurrection and yet they and their families succumb to the same addictions the same striving after money and the same problems as atheists. If Jesus Christ is our Lord and the definition of Lord means someone who has authority, why do we not go to the Lord for direction and guidance and instead try to figure it all out on our own?

We seemed to have been brainwashed to think of God as a nice guy in the sky who may or may not help us- it’s His choice. And therefore we go about life as a game of luck, trying the best that we can to live and marry and secure a job that will help us live the good life. We may go to church on most Sunday’s and pray rote prayers to a God who feels quite distant to us. We walk out of church without the wisdom and guidance God would like to give us. Why? Because we don’t put forth the effort. We don’t spend time soaking in the teachings of the Lord in the Bible so we guess at how to carry out life and we rely on luck.

There is no luck when we are speaking of God. There are solid teachings we should be learning, speaking outloud and memorizing so that they sink into our spirit and we begin to move out of a life of luck into a life of solid guidance. The work starts with us. Jesus did His time. He healed every disease and overcame every problem when He descended to Hell and broke the chains of death then rose to the heights of glory in heaven. His last words before He breathed His last breath were:

What did Christ finish you may ask?  Everything. Jesus has the power to help us get our life on solid ground and pull us out of every addiction, wrong mindset and even back into health. He is ready and willing to give us His unmerited divine assistance- but we have to approach Him.

No one needs to live a life based on luck when we have an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Lord who desires nothing more than to share all of His power, knowledge and wisdom with us as a good father would desire to share with his children. But it’s up to us to seek it- the Lord gave us free will and He is a gentleman, He won’t force us to receive His blessings. We need to humble ourselves and acknowledge that we don’t have all of the answers in life.

Humility is the key to the blessings of God. Am I convincing anyone to learn about Him?

Food For Thought
