Today I would like to talk to you about Joseph. He was one of twelve brothers in the book of Genesis and he was favored by his father. You may recall the coat of many colors. This was a coat given to Joseph by his father and it made his brothers so jealous that they wanted to kill him. Instead they settled for selling him into a life of slavery.
Joseph is a fruitful tree, a fruitful tree beside a fountain…He has been attacked by archers, who shot at him and harassed him. But his bow remained strong, and his arms were strengthened by the Mighty One…may the Almighty bless you with the blessings of the heavens above, and the earth beneath…(Gen 49: 22-25)
Later in life, Joseph was falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison. He helped another inmate get out of prison but that person forgot to put in a good word for Joseph and therefore he missed out on an early release. Through it all, he remained steadfast in his faith to the Lord. He understood the power of God and he was willing to wait for God to rescue him. His faith grew stronger not weaker during his trials and horrific situations.
God abundantly blesses those who are steadfast in their faith and continue to do the right thing when the wrong thing is happening to them. Will you have faith to draw closer to God rather than blame God for the events in your life? Evil forces are in the world influencing people to act maliciously and harm innocent people. Trust God to bring you through all of your trials in His timing. God sees all and knows the intent of others hearts. He knows who is in the right and at the perfect time He will vindicate the oppressed and bring them in to a life better than it was before. Faith in Almighty God is trusting that He is a just judge. Justice is His, and He loves to rescue the misjudged.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. (Rom 12:19)
“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”(Ps 32:7-8)
God has an answer to all of our questions. God will lead us to our best life in spite of the wrong choices we have made, if we will turn and be obedient to His teachings. Let us all be humble enough to realize that we don’t have all of the answers. Let us give our entire lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and follow His profound teachings so that His unlimited power can live through us, guiding our choices and putting us on the path to peace, joy, health and prosperity. What have you got to lose?
Food for thought,
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