I have a question for you- do you or don’t you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to be the person He says He is?
What if He told you to quit your job, like He asked the Apostles to leave their fishing nets and follow Him- would you do it?
What if the woman of the house, were the main breadwinner and God told you to drop down to part time or quit- would you?
Do these request sound like something God would ask of us?
Yes, God would ask us to sacrifice our income. He would tell the woman to quit her job even if her husband was the stay at home dad and didn’t work. Why would He do this?
To follow His Word.
The woman should be the “helper” not the provider in the family as God said in Genesis:
“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”(Gen 2:8)
If the woman quits her job to be the stay at home mom or part time worker it will certainly put some fire under the feet of her husband to get a job. God has specific ways life should be lived and He does’n’t change His mind or lie:
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