Today I’d like to talk to you about God’s exact and precise way of doing everything.
The Lord starts out in Genesis creating the first person- a man named Adam. God then created a helper for Adam and her name was Eve. God made this couple to work together because it is not good for man to be alone.
Women are labeled as Adams helper, and Adam is the provider.
Everyone is well aware that both men and women are able to perform a variety of intellectual pursuits- God doesn’t hand out intellect to only one sex. But He did hand out the job of carrying a child to only women.
God’s ways are precise, exact and perfect. He knows that even if one sex wasn’t assigned the head of household role by Him, one person would take over- it is human nature to organize into hierarchies.
Logically, we are aware that a person pregnant with child cannot defend themselves as well as the person who doesn’t have those capabilities, so the Lord made men the head of household to protect and care for his family. It should follow then that women are indeed the “helper” as the Lord stated in Genesis. We as females- although completely capable of bringing home a large income that can support a family- have the privilege of carrying a child and then molding our children on a daily basis, placing income earning as a lesser priority. God’s Word tells us to think of children as gifts- treasured gifts:
“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”(Ps 127:3)
If the typical work life of a person is roughly age 22-62 or forty years at minimum, women can step out of full time work for roughly 20 years while raising several children-“be fruitful and multiply” the bible states. This will allow the husband to be the main bread winner and the wife to help him- first and foremost to raise their children and secondly to be a homemaker.
“The LORD God also said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make for him a suitable helper”(Gen 2:18)
This verse doesn’t say “I will make man a “superwoman” or doer of all things at work and at home.
God desired the woman to help the man but not be the sustainer of the family! God gave women the ability to birth children and then to care for the children she birthed.
“But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.”(1 Timothy 5:8)
This verse is telling us that if we feel it is soley up to us to figure out a way to financially run our expanding home, we have no faith in the Lord. Faith is active, we don’t simply believe there is a God, we must believe that He will do what He tells us in the bible. He will provide for all of His followers- people who choose to live like He instructs. Our job is to turn our eyes towards Him and not our materialistic society and live more simply and sanely and this way mothers can actually raise their own children and not rely on daycare.
Does this mean that a woman does not work? In Proverbs 31 we find that a godly woman does indeed work- yet it is secondary to raising her children, meaning she is spending more time with her children than working.
The woman is NOT called by God to work full time and take care of the home, with all of it’s many facets including the laundry, menu planning, grocery shopping, food preparation, house keeping, being there for the emotional needs of the family including being “there” for her husband. God said He made Adam a helper, not a superwoman who would do just as much work outside the home as the man does, AND care for her family.
There are many helpful husbands out there, but God didn’t ask men to be helpful- he asked women to help men. And if women can do this one thing men can’t do, why wouldn’t we covet it? Don’t you think men would brag if they could have children? Can’t you hear the delivery room stories now?
“This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”(Jeremiah 6:16)
I think we would all agree that a woman who chooses to serve her family while the children are newborn and growing up in the home, will cause the home life to run more smoothly, allowing more rest for everyone- including the mother. A woman who works outside the home on a full time basis, is pulled in so many different directions and that job gets even more difficult if there is a sick child or a carpool driver who can’t drive. The scenarios for stress in the life of a full time working mom, are endless.
By staying in the home raising children and putting full time work on hold, the mother can keep good tabs on her children throughout childhood. Even the high school years need as much supervision and a keen awareness of what kids are doing as the toddler years. Giving God space to provide for us by putting childcare and homemaking first, can lead a woman into her God given purpose. And when He gives us our purpose, it fits into our family life perfectly.
Many wives and mothers feel pressured to work full time because society seems to downplay the complexity of motherhood and the keeping of a sanely run home. Women who would rather eschew materialism and have less things and more TIME with their children feel guilty or pressured by society to stay in full time work; if not, they are seen as lazy or old fashioned. But those in the know, realize the complexity and importance of being with our children more than we are away from them. Of loving them, molding them with our values and ethics rather than letting teachers and friends influence them. Managing a child’s schedule is NOT parenting- constantly rushing them to school, to practice, to do their homework and then to bed- with a fast food dinner handed to them in the backseat of a moving vehicle, will never give our children the life skills necessary to mentally and emotionally succeed in life. Maybe this is why I see many twenty year olds on antidepressants. They have had their schedules managed by their parents, but they haven’t been given home cooked meals and prolonged eye contact with conversation on a daily basis.
I encourage you to pay attention to what the Lord tells us and not worry about the norm. The stress in your house will go down tremendously, your relationship with your children and spouse will improve greatly and your home will become a haven rather than simply a place you eat carry-out dinners and sleep. Time spent with children is noticed by our kids. When they feel that we value them, and prioritize time with them, the love and respect go up and the disagreements diminish.
God’s ways are perfect. If we want the good life He promises us in the Bible, we need to heed His directives.
Food For Thought,
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