Post 223 What Is True Power?

The internet is filled with people who are trying to be successful. Many work countless hours and push hard to achieve the dreams that they set out for themselves. These business owners, authors, YouTubers, bloggers and Podcasters work tirelessly to find new content to put out in the world. The self effort, striving and pushing to achieve personal dreams, is reliant on self effort and force. And if we remember from physics- force always succumbs  to power.

We were created for a specific purpose and pushing to achieve anything outside of that purpose is like pushing a boulder up a hill.

Power on the other hand comes from our Lord and is evident when we lay down our goals and turn our lives over to Christ.  When we come to the end of ourselves- the end of our forceful striving and we let go, allowing God in, we have stepped into power. God doesn’t need to partner with us. He simply needs a submitted, clean life so that He can pour His wisdom and guidance through us in order to perform the miraculous.

“For my power works best in weakness.”(2 Cor 12:9b)
Force produces exhaustion, disappointment, lack of peace, broken relationships, health issues and eventually death. Power overcomes every problem and brings peace, contentment and a full life now and in eternity. It’s a choice. Will we humbly give our life back to our Creator to do with it what He will? If so, we have decided to live a life of power- ironic isn’t it?
“…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”(Matt 20:28)
Food For Thought,