What is a Christian you may ask? I know I asked this question myself many years ago and my search in the Bible lead me to this: A Christian has decided to let God/Bible run their life.
The life of a Christian involves choosing to be obedient to the ways of Jesus. Christians still sin and fail at times, but their heart has changed and they choose not to sin- and when they do, they are quick to repent and continue the new life that the Lord has shown them.
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”(2 For 5:17)
God gave us all free will and we can live any way we desire, this is why the world is in such turmoil- many are blind to the fact that there is another way. The Bible describes this blindness as living in darkness. We have no idea that there is more to life than believing in the Lord- we have no idea He actually desires for us to have a new life through a relationship with Him by studying the Bible.
This new life has nothing to do with our first birth- the birth of our bodies through our mothers. It is the birth of our spiritual life through the act of our free will. This is called being “born again,” a term that has received much ridicule from those in darkness; those who don’t know that the Lord is waiting and willing to give all of us a better life. This better life includes steadfast hope in Lord’s promises to help us.
“I would have fainted had I not known I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”(Ps 27:13-14)
If we choose to be born again, it’s as if we are handing our current life over to the Lord and saying “here, you take every decision and lead me in the way I should go.”
It is a life of loving, forgiving and praying for others (even our enemies). Becoming a Christian is a willful act on our part- it doesn’t just happen. Once it does, we are “in Christ” because we have decided to walk in the ways of Jesus Christ and receive all the blessings, protection, answered prayer and even miracles that the Lord would love to shower on everyone according to His timing and His will. It is a life distinctly different from the secular world and people will know that we do not partake in certain conversations, behavior, and free time activities. If we don’t stand out we have not given our lives to Christ.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”(1 Peter 2:9)
The ridicule, hate and offense we will receive from others who don’t understand our “new life” is worth the blessings, peace and hope we receive as we leave the emptiness of the secular hamster wheel existence. God’s ways lead to life because He draws us out of all that is bad for our bodies, soul and spirit.
Would you like to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus? If so, simply pray this prayer from an honest heart: “Lord Jesus, I confess I haven’t lived like you would’ve liked, I have sinned but I choose to repent and turn away from living a sinful life. I’m asking you to come into my heart so that I can follow you as the Lord and Savior of my life.”
The next step is to find a church that teaches straight out of the Bible and get involved in that church. Join a small group of believers who meet once a week to study different books of the Bible in order understand God’s ways and be obedient to Him. This will lead you to peace in your heart- a peace that transcends any current circumstance.
It is a decision you will never regret. This link describes a true Christian as someone who loves others and is obedient to God. It also dispels the myth that going to church and being “a good person” as not adequate to make one a Christian. Read more here.
Food For Thought,
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