Post The Powerful Role Of Mother

Hello and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s out there!

First of all I’d like to thank my own mother for her unselfish rearing of myself and my siblings and for modeling Christian behavior and hard work. For 18yrs of my life (until I left home) dinner was always on the table, clothes were always washed, the house was always cleaned and she worked part time. Never did she eschew her duties for lack of energy. In spring, she planted her pretty flowers and our home was a beautiful reflection of what she loved and valued- her family!  Thank you Mom!

Today I want to talk about the Mother’s role as an influencer of the family.

Mothers are major influencers in the home. Even in this society of women taking up 50% of the workforce- mothers put in more parenting hours.* We may not realize the vastness of the influence on our family, but it is quite profound. Not only do we influence our children, but everyone that enters our home- be it our children’s friends, our own friends, neighbors and yes even husbands can be positively or negatively influenced by us as well. Our values are on display in our home even when we are too busy to realize this.

If we value the Lord, is it evident in our home? If we value family time do we take time to clear off the kitchen table and have dinner together? If we value learning and education,  are there reading materials and art work in the home that inspire conversation? Is the music that we listen to reflective of our values? If we value health do we prepare home cooked meals and avoid buying junk food? If we value fitness, do we model exercise on a routine basis?

Whether we know it or not, when we chose to have children we chose to either care about how we are influencing our kids or we remain selfish. The major choices we make are either good or bad- meaning influenced by God or Satan. The books, music, movies, conversations and free time activities are always making an impact on our kids.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”(Prov 22:6)

On this Mother’s day I challenge you to bring something into your home that shows you are a Christian. Place the object so that all those who enter the home can see it. The Lord is so good to all of us and we need to bring our faith out into the open- maybe this act will inspire a question from one of your children and you can begin a conversation about your faith and how much the Lord means to you.

Happy Mother’s Day to all- enjoy the Day!




*footnote here