Hello! I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation before the school year begins!
So, lets talk about colors.
Do you like the color beige? How would you describe it? Is it a stand out color for you, or a color that sort of fits in? I think most of us would describe it as a safe color, not “loud,” a color that fits in and doesn’t capture a huge amount of attention.
Now lets turn to your faith. Does your faith have similar qualities as the color beige? Is it just “there” or do people know that you are a Christian because you and your lifestyle stand out in the crowd?
God wants us to stand out. He doesn’t want a beige, barely there faith. He wants you to trust Him in every circumstance and put your worries down. This will take your focus off of yourself, which will free you up to help others.
“A new Commandment I give you: love one another. As I have loved you so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35 NIV)
Think of ways to honor the Lord while you are at work, play, dressing for the day, doing your taxes, chatting with the opposite sex at work as well as the behavior you exhibit within the four walls of your home. Think about what you would do if someone gave you extra change at the store, or wanted the same shirt while shopping and there was only one left. There are millions of scenarios that we could come up with in our day to day living where we can exhibit our Christian faith. As you evaluate yourself, you will find some things that you will want to change and some things that you know are good examples of Christian living. No one will EVER have a perfect report card, but as we change our behaviors and align them more with what you innately know is the way the Lord would have you live- it will get easier and easier. Not only that, the Holy Spirit will become louder in your life telling you things like “nope, not a good choice!” Or, “walk away from gossip.” As we let our stubborn pride go, we will see that God rewards us. If, for example, you gave that shopper the last shirt that you both had your eye on, you may find that God rewards you with another shirt that is less expensive and you like it more than the first one! Watch for little coincidences in your life when you act with love and give up your focus on self. (remember: there are no coincidences, it’s all the hand of God)
Again, no one will ever have a perfect report card everyday, but you will find that it gets easier and easier. Keep in mind that God is watching you, not to punish you, but to bless you and give you extra opportunities to help those of His children that are hurting and in need of God’s love.
This is a “non-beige” way of acting out your faith! You will be a light to sore eyes, the drink of water for a soul, or the kindness that some stranger needs. And God will give you peace and happiness for your choice.
Beige is a nice color and very appropriate in several settings, in fact my house is beige- but it shouldn’t be the color of our faith. Think “louder” colors and spread the love of God in this world, you will be so glad that you did!
God’s Promise:
For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. (2 Cor 9-10 NIV)
Music For Your Soul:
“They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love” by Jars Of Clay,
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