Post 99 How Satan Attacks Christians


Today I would like to talk to you about how Satan slithers his way into our thoughts, changes our lives oh so subtly and then causes immense destruction years later.

This is a list of ways Satan works in our lives. It was compliled by one of my favorite Pastors,  Dr. David Jeremiah.

  1. Keep them busy with nonessentials
  2. Tempt them to over spend and go into debt
  3. Make them work long hours to maintain empty lifestyles
  4. Discourage them from spending family time- for when homes disintegrate there is no refuge from work
  5. Overstimulate their minds with T.V. and computer, so they cannot hear God speaking to them
  6. Fill their coffee tables with newspapers and magazines so they have no time to read the Bible
  7. Flood their mailboxes with sweepstakes and promotions, get rich quick schemes to keep them chasing materialism
  8. Put glamorous models on T.V. and magazine covers to keep them focused on outward appearances so they will be dissatisfied with themselves and their mate
  9. Make sure couples are too exhausted for physical intimacy that way they will be tempted to look elsewhere
  10. Emphasize Santa and the Easter Bunny, so that they are diverted from the true meaning of the holiday
  11. Involve them in good causes so they have no time for eternal causes
  12. Make them self sufficient- keep them working in their own strength so they will never know the joy of God’s power working through them.
  13. *When they are exhausted and despondent, lure them with alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, pornography, ilicit sex and narcotics to calm their nerves instead of turning to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Pastor goes on to say…”have you figured out the difference between busy under God or busy under Satan? Lives full of things, means no time for God. This is a form of idolatry which breaks the second commandment.”

“You shall have no other god’s before me.”(Ex 20:3)

“Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”(Matt 16:23)

I hope this helps you to understand that there is a force in the world trying to own your soul and his name is Satan. Unless we read the Word of God and arm ourselves with Scripture- we will never know that God is available to help us. We will be like a hamster on a treadmill using our own efforts to find fulfillment and peace- which can never be found permanently– without God.

Food For Thought,


*my addition to this list