Post 95 What God Says About Taking Human Life


Today I want to talk to you about taking human life- at any point from conception to natural death.

“If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in His own image.”(Gen 9:6)

Did you know that there is something called the Eagle protection act? It is an act that fines a person one hundred thousand dollars and one year imprisonment for killing an eagle’s egg.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matt 6:26)

God values everything He created and He created us from embroyo to birth. According to this verse of Scripture, we are more valuable than the birds….even if our laws don’t feel the same.

“Thus says the Lord, your redeemer who formed you from the womb: I am the Lord who has made all things…” (Is 24:44a)

Let’s not deceive ourselves. If we find value in a bird egg, how much more value is there in a human embryo? An eagle egg grows into an eagle- a coveted bird. A human embroyo grows up to be a human –no argument there.

God values human life at all stages and everything He created is good. (Gen 1:31) Therefore,  according to Genesis 9:6, we are taking our own life in our hands if we destroy human life. Will you take that risk?
