It is nice to have examples in the Bible of people who have heard from the Lord, obeyed Him and then reaped the benefit of His promise fulfilled in their life. What’s even better for me, is when I find an example of a person who has lived in my lifetime who had genuine communication with God and a prayer answered.
Today I want to tell a story about the late Mary Kay Ash- the woman who founded the May Kay Cosmetic company. She wrote several books explaining her business philosophy and who she attributes her success to (spoiler alert: it’s God!) Okay, on to the story…
Mary Kay was a Christian who was active in her church. The church was in the process of raising funds for a children’s center and May Kay was involved in the project. She firmly believed that teaching young children about the Lord was extremely important. a
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it.”(Prov 22:6)
Mary Kay had planned to help the church by giving her own funds and by motivating the congregation to chip in for this worthy cause. In an excerpt from her book entitled “Miracles Happen” (chapt. 16) she explains this supernatural story. Take a look:
Years ago, the pastor of my church asked me to address the congregation about raising funds for a children’s learning center…The morning of my speech I had overslept!…as I was racing around getting ready I thought “Lord fill my mouth with worthwhile words and stop me when I have said enough.”..And then I stopped dead in the middle of putting on my makeup, because a thought came to me so clearly and suddenly that I was shocked: “Mary Kay, tell the congregation that you will match whatever they give today.”
“The thought was so vivid that I put down the makeup I was holding and said out loud, ‘Wait a minute Lord! I’ve got to think this over!’…fortunately Mel ( my husband) didn’t hear me talking away in my dressing room. ‘He’ll think I’m crazy!’…If I even implied that God spoke to me, anybody would be entitled to suggest that I needed a little more rest than I’d been getting. Talking to God is one thing. Many people do that. And I’d heard of people who claim that God speaks to them, but this was the closest I’d ever come!”
During the speech to her congregation, Mary Kay went through with the request from the Lord and told the congregation that she would be matching the funds collected that morning.
That evening the pastor and staff tallied up the amount collected and were shocked when it came in at just over 107k! They waited to tell Mary Kay until the next day because they had decided after long deliberation, that they would not hold Mary Kay to her promise of matching the funds.
The next morning Mary Kay was informed of the dollar amount collected and she too was absolutely shocked! She knew it would take a while for her to get a hold of that amount of money. After Mary Kay hung up the phone with the church she said “Okay Lord, you got me into this, now you get me out!”
Then the phone rang- it was her son Richard. He was calling to inform her that her oil well investments came in for the month. He proceeded to inform her that everything she touched turned to gold and that her share of the investment that month would be more than 100k! Needless to say, Mary Kay took her contribution to the church that very day from a bank loan that was paid off at the end of the month from her oil investment.
I hope this story helps you understand that the Lord is actively involved in our lives. If you follow His teachings, expect to be lead by Him. If we follow through on His leading He will make sure we have everything we need, and then some.
If you would like a second example of God communicating with one of His children, see Post 13 entitled “God Speaks part two.” This post describes how Ben Carson- the neurosurgeon who ran for President against Trump- also had an encounter with God. He described the whole scenario in his book as well.
God is a supernatural God and He can do things that utterly astound us if we pay attention. This powerful connection is available to those who have an open path to the Lord’s ear – those that have removed all deliberate sin from their lives.
“We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners but He is ready to hear those that worship Him and do His will.” (John 9:31 NLT)
Following the Lord’s leading may seem odd and anxiety provoking. But, you will eventually find, as I have, that giving up selfish desires for the Lord, strengthens family ties, keeps you protected from people who are not followers of the Lord, and makes every circumstance in your life -even the evil- turn out for your good.
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”(Gen 50:20NIV)
I encourage you to follow our amazing supernatural Father.
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