Post 70 Faith Part Two

Hello Again,

In last week’s post I showed you Scripture depicting people of radical faith. These were people who lived before Jesus was even on earth- they had to have faith in a God they never saw-much like us.

Can you imagine building an Ark when no one had ever seen rain before?  The earth at that time was watered from below. Noah had radical faith.  God asks us to have radical faith too. Why?  Because life without God has no meaning, it is one struggle after another and it leads to a dead end. A person who follows the Lord will have the highs and lows of life too but the Holy Spirit’s power within them will help them to transform any circumstance for their benefit and God’s glory.  In the process, there will be a supernatural peace.

God wants to reveal Himself to us personally, but we must make the first move after we hear the Word of God. Being open to His teachings is the first step, then once we get enough of God’s word into our minds and heart, we must let Him change us.

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”(Jer 29:13 ESV)

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”(Matt 7:7)

“But if from there you will seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.”(Deut 4:29)

“Now set your heart and soul to seek the LORD your God.”(1 Chron 22:19a)

When we seek God by reading the Bible and following Him we become privy to the miracles that God can perform in our lives. Most of the time we fail to seek God because many of us have what we want and we are able to handle our responsibilities.

It is when God allows our lives take a spiral downward due to our poor choices, that we finally realize we may not have all the answers and perhaps we should ask God to help us. This is when we open ourselves up to His power…

 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:9a)

We may believe in God but unless we put His desires before our desires, we limit God’s power in our lives. The Holy Spirit can only  fill the parts of our lives we give to Him. It is when we unclench our fist of control and say “lead me – I will follow” that we can be fully open to the Holy Spirit’s power.

Romans 8:14
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Acts 5:32
We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.”

John 1:12
“But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God”

“… for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”

(1 Peter 2:9 NLT)

Why are we all so willing to believe that we should suffer consequences of our sinful choices, but we have such a hard time accepting that God wants to bless us profusely when we turn our life over to Him?  He has so many good things in store for all of us and the power to overcome all that comes against us.

Below is a short list of scenarios that I have seen in my “circle” that God has done for those who  turned away from the world to walk with our Father and enjoy all of His blessings.

A drug addicted man finally accepts that he needs God and later becomes a Pastor.

A Christian woman believed with all her heart that God could heal her cancer so she had her whole church pray for her.  The MRI taken on the day of surgery revealed that her baseball sized tumor had vanished!

A young man who had planned to commit suicide prayed to God before he hung himself and God spoke to him through a gentle whisper in his ear. This young man was so amazed that God was listening to his prayer that he never killed himself and instead became a missionary.

A single mom was so worn out from the weight of being bread-winner and raising two boys that she cried out to God for help and guidance believing that He could help. This mom was rewarded with a new job with family friendly hours and extreme peace- a knowing that God is with her.

A man with a compound fracture who fell off a roof on a mission trip was healed instantaneously by a group of church members who created a circle around him praying for healing.

A cardiologist witnessed a patient who had a “near-hell” experience. His patient said Jesus was standing at the Dr.’s side during CPR on this patient and that Jesus wouldn’t take him to heaven until he turned his life around.

A surgeon who couldn’t stop the bleeding in one of his patients even though he tried everything he was trained to do. He stepped away from the operating table and asked everyone in the room to pray for healing.  After 10 minutes the surgeon walked up to the patient and the bleeding had stopped.

A patient of mine who had surgical complications in the recovery room after a thyroidectomy was suffocating due to internal neck bleeding- had a near death experience. She floated above me as I worked to get her breathing tube replaced. She “saw” her dead mother and her stillborn babies in heaven then came back to life after the breathing tube was replaced and her oxygen level returned to normal. She revealed her experience with me the next day explaining precisely what she saw as we were working on her.

The miracles the Lord can perform through us are varied and profound.  Will you unclench your fist of control on your life and follow the Lord as a good child follows parental instruction? If so, you will have anchored yourself to the most powerful force in the universe -the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have a wonderful week of Powerful living!
