Post 60 My New Book/Journal Is Here!


We have all been there, we go about our secular life and plan our days based on our “To Do” list, adding a little fun here and there in order to treat ourselves for our hard work.  We can live this way for years until we are stopped cold by a “tornado.”

It could be a literal tornado where you have to rebuild your house and you are disrupted for months and sometimes years.  It could be a health “tornado” that you didn’t see coming and you are knocked off your feet, out of your job and you are at the mercy of the doctors and nurses caring for you.  It could be a financial crisis- a business you invested in went belly up and you are back to square one.  During times like these, those who have faith start to look heavenward.

The Lord provided everything for us. When He was hanging on the cross He said

“It is finished.”(John 19:30a)

This statement is very profound and includes many things, but what I will focus on is that God provided us with the power to overcome anything in our lives through our faith in Him and solid relationship with Him.

I developed a Journal to help you use the instruction manual to life that The Lord has given us- the Bible. By adding twenty or thirty minutes of Bible study to your day and answering the questions in my Journal at the end of your day, you will start to develop a relationship with our Lord who is our provider of all peace, all security, all blessings and all power.

Don’t turn up your nose at the Bible, it is the Way, the Truth and Life…


“My people have committed two sins:
They have forsaken me,
the spring of living water,
and have dug their own cisterns,
broken cisterns that cannot hold water. (Jer 2:13)


Humans can make for themselves circumstances (cisterns) that could hold joyful times,  but it is God who allows you to experience the good times. When we live in relationship to the Lord, we are attached to living waters that provide everything our soul desires and never runs dry. It is the relationship we have with God and not circumstances that are the key to joy.

My Journal is just one of the many ways to document the teachings learned from Bible study.

I encourage you to  journal.  Find one that speaks to you and fits your personality and then put it to use.  After a few short months you will be amazed at what you have learned and you will start to understand how important and relevant the Word of God  is TODAY!

You can find my journal: In A Nutshell, Journaling For Peace, Power and Blessings here

