Hello all and Happy Easter!
If you have grown up in the church, undoubtedly you have heard the Easter story. The torturing of Jesus, His death on the cross between two common criminals and his burial in a borrowed tomb. We call the day He died Good Friday. Why do we do this? Because Jesus needed to die in order to show the world His true power -the power of the Holy Spirit- the power that rose Jesus from the dead. Jesus then came back to earth on the Sunday after He died and proceeded to stay on earth for 40 days before he ascended into heaven.
The most important realization that we can take from this “attempted” crucifixion story is that God is NOT DEAD and God is ALL POWERFUL!
When you are a true believer- this powerful force, the Holy Spirit indwells you too. The more you get to know the Lord through reading the Bible, the more you will trust the Holy Spirit to work powerfully in your life too, in order to bring about the best outcome for your life. This is an act of laying down your life, setting aside your desires and letting the Holy Spirit have control of you. The Lord doesn’t force anything – He is a gentleman and gives you a free will.
Will you allow the Holy Spirit to be strong in your life? Will this Power that rose Jesus from the grave, be allowed to work mightily in your life? It’s your choice.
Easter is a reminder that God is all powerful and He gave His power to each and every believer. But you have to reach out and take it and use it! It’s akin to having someone put money in your bank account. If it’s there and you never use it, what good is it?
Read the Word of God, realize that you can do mighty things for this world when your life is aligned with the Lord’s teachings- then reach out and take the power God says is yours. Search the Bible for God’s promises that pertain to you and then remind God of what He has written.
Everything that is aligned with Satan: poverty, sickness, spiritual death was defeated on Easter morning. Now we have to understand it, believe it, and act on the words God gave us in the Bible.
If you are a believer, you have more power than you think you have- and it started on that first Easter Morning.
May God bless you and your family today,
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