Post 6 Humble or Hoity Toity?

There is a bit of a stigma to being a Christian.  People seem to think Christians all act alike and it’s sort of an exclusive club based on “appearances.” Let me give you an example.

I had a friend ask me for advice when she was going through a personal issue.  My answer to any question posed to me reflects what I have read in the Bible.  I told her that I would be happy to tell her what the Bible reveals about the topic because she is a Christian. Her response was, “Well I’m a Christian, but I’m not all that!”  “All What”  I thought?  Does she think Christians are “hoity-toity?”

True Christians, people who not only believe that God exists, but follow His teachings- must give up their idea of life for God’s will for their life.  This is anything but “hoity-toity,”  this is selfless and can be hard at first- very very hard.

Believers who unclench their fist of control on their life, one finger at a time, to trust God’s leading will experience amazing rewards and provisions like health, strength and abundance.

“I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

The first thing a person receives after they give their life to Christ is “the peace of Christ that transcends all understanding.”(Phil 4:7). They then receive unexplainable joy and contentment.

As we dig into the Word of God, God will reveal areas of our life that He would like us to change.  Following His leading is called obedience.  Now that is a tough word for most adults and I wouldn’t consider an obedient person Hoity-toity, would you?

Let me tell you from first hand experience, it was hard giving up my idea of life, unsure of what came next. BUT, I knew in my soul that God is a good God and wouldn’t lead me down a dead end.  My own choices had lead me down a dead end and therefore, I let God lead the next chapter of my life.  His leading has resulted in peace, joy, contentment, a sane work schedule, a higher income and an additional career I can do at my leisure. God has started to give me the benefits found in His kingdom.

There will be times as you are following God, that you will question if God knows what He is doing!  Really!  You will find yourself in uncomfortable situations.  You will be doing things that the world thinks is pure ludicrous! (for me it was working per diem as a single mom-no sure income, no consistent paycheck, and child support that didn’t pay a third of my bills!) But, if you are following the Lord’s teachings, you will be in the center of God’s will. Once God has tested you and you have proven to be steadfast to His leading, you will be blessed beyond imagine.

No, Christians aren’t hoity-toity, or shouldn’t be.  If they are, they haven’t submitted their life to the Lord and then they would be considered believers but not followers of Christ.  There is a big difference.


“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.  (Prov 3:5-6)


“Just Be Held” by Casting Crowns.