Post 53 There Are No Coincidences

Hello All!

About 16 years ago  I met my first true Christian- a woman with a changed life. This woman not only read the Bible, she applied the teachings to her life. You could tell that she was different. There was a kindness and a quiet confidence about her.  She really didn’t care how others were living their lives, she didn’t fall into the peer pressure of adulthood. She lived her life carefully. This way of living, I have come to know, is the Holy Spirit leading her life. Needless to say, she was a wonderful person to have in my life at that time.

My friend encouraged me to read the Bible, something I had never considered. You see, I followed a man made religion-Catholicism – which didn’t encourage Bible reading at the time, therefore I went to church for one hour a week and that was the extent of my religion. My behavior was that of a “worldly” Christian which means that you would never be able to distinguish me from any other person -secular or Christian. A mature Christian has a changed life.  Their life reflects the teachings in the Bible- not by their own effort but through the Holy Spirit.

In order for a person to start the journey to become a mature Christian, a person needs to give God full control of their life -this is called being born again. We are all born of the flesh and have fleshly desires.  God wants us to CHOOSE to be born of the Spirit so that the Spirit can turn our eyes off of the world and all its enticements in order to follow the Lord where true peace, contentment and happiness are found.  Allowing God full control means He will start to make you feel very uncomfortable when you do things contrary to how a Christ follower should act.  He can also take our joy away when we participate in activities that are contrary to His Word.

Surrendering my life to God was a difficult thing to wrap my mind around and I didn’t do it immediately after beginning to study  the Bible. I still remember the day I decided to surrender my will to God.  I had clenched fists and thought I was giving up all of the fun things in life but, because my situation was desperate, I surrendered. God took me seriously because the Holy Spirit started working instantly to grow me up so to speak into the Christian He wanted me to be.

After you surrender your life to God, the Holy Spirit changes you from the inside out.  There is a peace and a comfort -a knowing so to speak,  that God is in control. My understanding of the Bible took a giant leap forward after I gave God the CEO position of my life and I was amazed.  I realized that the Bible was not just a history book or a religious book -the Words are living, active, powerful and life changing!

I will close with a verse from the Bible that explains this very thought process. No skeptic looking to discount the Word of God will ever receive the profound messages in the Bible.  Even un-surrendered biblical scholars will be unable to interpret the truths contained within the Bible. The profound truths of the Bible are reserved for those who have surrendered their life to God and wish to live their lives in the way He teaches us. Obedience brings understanding of Biblical truths and blessings.

My prayer is that every one of my readers surrenders to God and begins to understand the secret and hidden things.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”(Ephesians 1:17 NIV)


“At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants.”(Matt 11:25 NASB)


“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”(Jer 33:3 NASB)


“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”

As you can see from the verses above, you cannot use your intellect to understand God.  You must use your heart -and only a true heartfelt desire to understand God, will open up the hidden meaning of Bible verses that can change your life for the better. I hope that you open your Bible with a sincerity and a yearning to change your life into a life of peace and joy not related to outward circumstances.  If you do this, you will eventually learn that God is in control and choosing a life apart from the Lord is actually akin to tying a chain around your neck making you a slave of your desires such as affluence, power, pleasure, lust, popularity, and fame among other things. A follower of the Lord is free. Yes, there is freedom in obedience. When you acknowledge that God is the source of everything and you align your life with His teachings, you have entered His Kingdom on earth and you are taken care of. You realize that faith in God encompasses more than where you will spend eternity.  Faith helps you now, so that you can understand how much the Lord loves you and wants to guide your life.  Surrendering to God’s will allows you to rest in peace- free of worry and fear of  the future.  Eventually, when it comes your time to transition out of this world and into the next, you will be headed to where the Lord reigns supreme.  Take the pressure off of yourself – God already has everything lined up for you to succeed in the plans He has for you.

All my best,
