Post 47 An Illustration of God’s Love For You

Hello All!

A good story needs to be re-told and this one uses an analogy to show the magnitude of God’s love for you. I heard it on Amazing Facts, a Biblically based show taught by Pastor Doug Batchelor.  I hope you read it, it’s definitely worth your time!

There was a father who took his sons on a sailing trip through the Carribean Islands.  The father was negotiating the sailboat between two islands that were fairly close to each other.  One of the islands housed a chicken farm and chicken scraps and blood ended up in the water so the water was notoriously  shark infested. 

The father reminded his sons to remain onboard  and not to swim in this stretch of water. The boys were roughhousing and joking around on deck at the time, when one of the sons lost his balance and began to fall overboard.  The other son tried to grab him, but to no avail, he also fell in the water.  The dad shouted to them to swim back immediately and get back on deck.  The boys, acting as if no harm could befall them, were pretending to be eaten by sharks, frolicking around in the water and not heeding the instructions of  their father. From the father’s vantage point, he could see that a couple of sharks were starting to swim toward the boys.  The father yelled and screamed to warn his sons to swim back. When the boys finally realized that their dad was serious, the danger was eminent, a school of sharks was encircling the boys. The father, knowing that sharks can detect a drop of blood in multiple gallons of water, slit his wrists and jumped overboard opposite of his sons. The sharks swam toward the blood and the two boys were able to get back on deck safely.  And yes, the father perished. 

This is an illustration of what God did for us. He loves all of His children so much that He sacrificed His life so our disobedience  doesn’t end in death. We need Him, and like those boys, we can’t see the danger in our choices.

We have the option to accept His help by climbing in the boat- so to speak- in order to save our messed up choices and live with Him in eternity. Besides that, following the Lord will give us peace, provision, protection, contentment, direction and joy right now.

What more do you need?

Now it’s up to you, will you accept His immense love for you and make Him your number one priority by reading the powerful words He left for us in the Bible? It is the most important book you will ever read.

My prayer for you, is that you do,


The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all those who keep his covenant and obey his decrees.

(psalm 25:10)