Post 27 What’s In Your Hands?

A few years ago,  the High School that my daughters attend/attended (one daughter is in college now), hosted a talk on celibacy by a Christian woman named Leah Darrow. I was curious to hear what my daughters would be learning from this young woman, so I attended the event.  Leah was a contestant on the T.V. show “America’s Next Top Model,” but she quit mainstream modeling and started traveling the country giving talks about celibacy.  During her talk, she shares an experience she had at a modeling shoot that touched her heart, opened her eyes and changed her life to live life serving God. You can watch her story here.

Leah’s celibacy talk was extremely helpful for those high school students who may have been on the fence as to if they should wait for marriage before having a sexual relationship.  But, the part of her speech that really stood out for me was when she told the story of her conversion experience. A conversion experience is an experience, given to you by God, that convicts a person instantaneously to live life for God.  These experiences aren’t universal for all Christians.  Some people come about this realization more slowly.

In Leah’s conversion experience, she was at a modeling shoot modeling a skimpy outfit while being photographed.  One of the camera flashes somewhat “blinded” Leah for a moment.  In that moment she saw the side of a man’s face (Jesus) who seemed to be asking her, “What is in your hands?”  She looked down at her hands that she was cupping together, and she noticed that they were empty.  At that moment Leah realized that she had nothing to offer the Lord.  All of the talents and time that she had been given by God, were used only on herself; she had nothing to give.

“If you are righteous, what do you give to Him, or what does He receive from your hands? (Job 35:7)

She then realized at that moment, that mainstream  modeling, with it’s skimpy outfits, was not for her.  She also realized that this was not the life she wanted to live any longer and she left that modeling shoot immediately while being verbally abused by those who hired her.  But, Leah walked out and knew in her heart, that she was doing the right thing.  It was then that she began a new journey- one of serving the Lord.

Pastor Rick Warren, the author of “The Purpose Driven Life” has a TED talk on serving the Lord through a life of purpose.  He discusses the Bible story of how Moses met God at the burning bush and God asked him the same question “What’s in your hands?”  Moses said, “My Shepherd’s staff.” God told him to throw it down, at which time it turned into a snake.  Then God told Moses to pick it up, and it returned to being a  staff.  Pastor Warren explained that if we give God what we have- essentially, what’s in our hands, He can make a miracle of it.

Wow!  This is amazing and powerful is it not? God doesn’t make us do anything, but if we willingly decide to follow His teachings and be His hands in this world, God can make a miracle out of it. Profound!

Use what you have.  Do you have time?  Visit a nursing home or cuddle and pray for a newborn baby that is drug addicted at birth.  Do you have a talent that you can share with children less fortunate than yourself? Do you have a calling to adopt? Do you like to cook?  Cook for the homeless shelters. Do you work in a store that gives you a discount?  Buy items for the homeless shelters.

The list is endless.  God can take what you are offering His world in order to change a soul so that a child of His doesn’t perish in Hell. Likewise He can change a community of loose believers into a community of people on fire for spreading the Gospel of the Lord.

We weren’t gifted to just sit around and do for ourselves, although it is enjoyable and I seem to be an expert at it some days!  We are gifted and directed by God to take care of the widows and orphans, to feed the hungry, to be the hands and feet of Christ.  This seems to be the opposite of the culture we live in today.  A culture of camera lenses focused on ourselves instead of looking outward to a needy world. It does matter how we spend our time on this earth.  So many people need to hear the hope that the Lord offers us- the promises of abundance and peace if we follow Him.  If we don’t share God’s message, who will?

“If any man’s work he has built on remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved; yet so as through fire.” (1 Cor 3:14-15)

This verse is stating that the life you live and the work you do that follows the Word of God- essentially, what God deems important- will remain, but anything else will be burned up like hay or wood.  You will still be saved but your work will be all for naught and you won’t receive your reward. Remember, there are blessings for obedience.

God asked Moses and He will ask each one of us, “What’s in your hands?” I encourage you to take a look at your talents and see what you may offer this world.  Giving up our idea of life and asking God to take our life and mold it to what He would like us to do could set a miracle in motion. Now that would be a pretty wonderful legacy for your life and give glory to God in the process!

God’s Promise:

” You and your families will feast in the presence of the Lord your God, and you will rejoice in all you have accomplished because the Lord your God has blessed you.” (Deut 12:7 NLT)


Music For Your Soul:

“He Knows My Name” by Francesca Battistelli.