Post 238 How To Be Saved After You Die

How to be saved after you die is a question that many of us ponder at one time or another. But, more importantly than pondering is actually knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, the correct answer to this question. Fortunately there is a correct and convincing answer found within the pages of the Holy Bible.

In the book of Acts chapter 16, the Apostles were attempting to spread the Gospel far and wide as Jesus had instructed everyone to do (that means me and you too!) Jesus wanted as many people as possible to believe in Him and His message to the world that He was indeed the Christ, and the only way to be saved after death was to believe in Him. The Apostle Paul was put in jail along with Silas for preaching about Christ and for using the power invested in them from the Lord to heal the sick and cast out tormenting spirits from the afflicted.

A slave-girl having a spirit of divination met us…following after Paul… she kept crying out “these men are bond-servants of the Most High God who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation….her masters…seized Paul and Silas…When they had struck them with many blows they threw them into prison.”(Acts 16:16-23)

In the prison cell, Paul and Silas began praying and singing praises to God- in fact they were so loud that all of the other prisoners were able to hear these beaten and bloodied men worshiping the Lord in the midst of their pain.  This horrific prision sentence, with shackles on their feet, was not the end of these two Apostles. In a moment things changed. Suddenly while they were praising the Lord, a big earthquake shook the foundation of the prison and all the chains holding all of the prisoners fell off and the doors of the prison opened. They were all free!

This is what happens when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and go to Him with all of our problems, concerns and the addictions that shackles us.  God breaks the chains and frees us after we repent and begin a life that glorifies Him.

In this prison scenario, the jailer saw the chains drop off Paul and Silas- this is the point that the jailer knew that there was only One true God. Witnessing this powerful and miraculous act, the jailer fell on his knees and asked Paul and Silas how he could be saved.

“They said, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”(Acts 16:31a) 

That is it! There is no checklist of things you need to do. You do not need to do “works” to be saved like many denominations teach.  However when you become saved, God begins to change our hearts which will cause us to begin to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others. We begin to have an intense desire to do good in this world and to act in the manner that would please Jesus. This change of life is the life of a born again Christian. And this new way of life can be the convincing point that will pull others into a saving relationship with the Lord.

Our true “work” is to trust in Jesus and all that He promises us in the Bible.

For more on this please listen to Pastor Tony Evans here

Food For Thought,
