Worship Realignment Post 237

Every new year many people assess their priorities – a worship realignment of sorts – in order to see if their priorities are indeed receiving the best part of their time.

We get a first glimpse of the need for worship realignment when Eve made a poor choice to go against God and take what she was not supposed to have. She worshipped, in a sense, what the apple could provide for her.

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened(Gen 3:6-7)

The apple represents anything we as humans strive for and set out to gain despite the nudging from our internal compass (the Holy Spirit). Many of our desires aren’t bad, it’s only the priority we place on them that God is displeased with. God should be our first priority and after God comes our family. When we prioritize as the Lord delineates, also called Divine order, we will have long term contentment and joy.

Our need for worship realignment actually happens the minute we are born. Babies cry and scream to get what they want. Toddlers take this selfish attitude up a notch and it goes on and on until one day, as adults, we hopefully learn that hooking our heart to anything other than God and His priorities, will only lead to disappointment.
The best way for us to think about the Lord is through the parent- child relationship. A good parent will not give their child everything they want all of the time. This can be for health reasons, character reasons or to keep the child free from future pain. This is how the Lord operates. He won’t give us our selfish desires, but when we aquiesce our desires to what He would like us to focus on, we later find that His way was truly the road to the best life.
“You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”(James 4:2b-3)
Worship realignment occurs when we consistently read the Bible. God sets our motives and priorities straight and opens our eyes to the beauty that is currently in our lives. Once our eyes are opened, we feel less of a need to chase after anything because we know that if we are to have it, the Lord will lead us there in His timing and in His way. Until then, we are free to focus on our present circumstances.
 Click the link to see how you can receive more blessings this year. Happy New Year!