Post 22 Joel Osteen Final Notes


Before I start with my final notes on Joel Osteen, I have an example of a miracle story. I mentioned in my last post that miracles still happen today and lo and behold- God provided me with a story to share!

In USA Today August 23, 2017 there was a story about 2 year old twin boys who were dedicated* to the Lord at a church service last week.   The family then went home to have a celebration which included swimming.  After the party was over and everyone was out of the pool and preparing to leave, the twins apparently opened the back door that lead to the pool. When their 6 year old cousin found them, they were both floating face down in the pool. The 6 year old cousin dove into the pool and somehow lifted both of them onto the concrete. They were lifeless and blue without a heartbeat. CPR was started while family members prayed.  Both boys eventually started coughing and breathing. They were airlifted to the hospital and the next day they were perfectly normal, no brain damage from lack of oxygen!  Google the story about Kaden and Isaac Kelly.  This was definitely a miracle story, and as I said in my post last week, miracles happened in Biblical times and they still happen today.  Never lose hope!

Okay, today I thought it would be fun to share some excerpts from Joel Osteen’s books so you can see for yourself that Joel Osteen’s preaching is filled with hopeful Bible verses and sound advice.  He also includes many miracle stories in his books however they are usually two or three pages long so I won’t be able to retell those stories. But check out his books from the library or buy them- you will walk away from them with a new hope for your life because God can be trusted when you follow Him.

“Think Better Live Better, A Victorious Life Begins In Your Mind”

pg 12 You may have been through unfair situations. People have spoken things over you that they had no business saying. You could easily go around feeling bad, having poor self esteem, low self-worth. But don’t ever let what someone did keep you from knowing who you are. You are a child of the Most High God. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. God has crowned you with His favor. People may have tried to push you down and make you feel insignificant, but that doesn’t change who you are…If you will hit the delete button and get rid of strongholds, God will take what was meant for your harm and He will use it to your advantage.

 pg 114 God will never ask you for something without first putting it in you. When God gives you a dream, when you have a desire and you know you’re supposed to take a step of faith, you may feel completely unqualified.  You may tell yourself that you don’t have the wisdom, the know-how, or the ability to take the step. But if you’ll dare to take that step, just as I did (to pastor the church), you’ll discover things in you that you never knew you had.

pg 195 The Creator of the universe has His hand on your life. The sooner you surrender your will to His, the better off you are going to be. You’re not giving up anything. You’re gaining your purpose, your destiny, a life that He’s designed, a life more rewarding than you ever imagined.

” Become A Better You, Seven Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day”

pg. 183 I’ve discovered that if I meet other people’s needs, God will meet mine.  If I make somebody else happy, God will make sure that I’m happy.  Everyday we should look for opportunities to be good to people…You were not created to be focused only on yourself.  Almighty God made you to be a giver.  The best way for you to be fulfilled is to get your mind off yourself and reach out to others.

pg. 256 Scripture records, “Those who have believed enter in to the rest of God.” (Heb 4:3) Being in God’s rest means that although you may have a problem, you trust Him to take care of it.  It means that you may have a situation that you don’t understand but you are not constantly trying to figure it out.  It means you have a dream in your heart, but you are not in hurry, you’re not frustrated because it hasn’t come to fruition yet.  In other words, when you are really in God’s rest, you  know that God has you in the palm of his hand.  No matter where you are, you accept it as the place God wants you to be.

“The Power Of I Am, Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today”

pg. 161 Time is one of the most valuable commodities that we have. It’s more valuable than money. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. The Scripture tells us to redeem the time. That means don’t waste it. (pg 164) [The Apostle] Paul said in another place, “I run with purpose in every step.”  When we understand the value of time and see each day as the gift that it is, it helps us to keep the right perspective. You realize every battle is not worth fighting. You don’t have time to get engaged in conflicts that are not between you and your God given destiny. If somebody has a problem with you, as long as you are being your best, doing what God has put in your heart, with all due respect, that’s their problem and not yours. You don’t have to resolve conflicts with every person. Some people don’t want to be at peace with you. That’s a distraction.  Don’t waste your valuable time fighting battles that don’t matter.

pg 170  When Jesus was on earth He was very selective with His friendships.  Everyone wanted to be close to Him. But He chose only twelve disciples with whom to spend most of His time.  Out of those twelve, three were His close friends: Peter, James and John. The higher you go the tighter your circle needs to become…make sure the two or three you choose to be close to you,  are 100% for you.  Make sure they believe in you, stick up for you, and are with you through thick and thin.  It could be that you are not seeing God’s best because your team is weak.

pg 171  Scripture says they mocked and jeered at Him and Jesus put them out.”  Notice that the Son of God asked [people who mocked Him] to leave.  He showed them the door.  Jesus knew the importance of having people around Him who understood His destiny. His attitude was ” I don’t need your doubt. I don’t need you telling Me what I can’t do.  I’m going to surround myself with believers, with people of faith, with people who understand my assignment….I cannot fulfill my destiny with your critical spirit in my life. I cannot become who I was created to be with you dragging me down…I am going to love you from a distance….(pg 172) Pay attention to who is on your team. Are they pushing you toward your destiny or are they telling you what you can’t do? Are they modeling excellence, integrity, character, and godliness or are they lazy, sloppy and undisciplined?…You may be lonely for a season but you never give up something for God without Him giving you something better back  in return. God will not only give you new friends but He’ll give you better friends.  People who inspire you, people who celebrate you, and people who push you forward.

pg 179 People may do you wrong, but God will be your vindicator.  Situations may look impossible, but God can do the impossible.  When you have finishing grace, all the forces of darkness cannot stop you.  You may suffer some setbacks, bad breaks, and injustice.  But don’t worry.  It’s only temporary.  It’s just a detour on the way to your destiny….The enemy (devil) doesn’t fight people who are going the wrong way.

“Your Best Life Now, Seven Steps To Living At Your Full Potential”

pg 217 If you will handle adversity in the right way, God has promised that He will turn your challenges into stepping stones for promotion.  God wants to do new and unusual things in our lives. He’s looking for people who will trust Him with their whole hearts. He’s looking for people who won’t limit Him with their small minded thinking…God uses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things. God is not looking for great power. He’s not looking for great education.  God is simply looking for a willing heart.  

pg 218 I’m convinced that one day we will look back at what we considered to be the worst thing that could happen to us, and we’ll realize that God used even that time of adversity to refine us, mold us, shape us, and prepare us for good things to come.  Interesting, isn’t it?  Adversity often pushes us into our divine destiny. 

pg 226 I’m convinced that many people would receive the miracle that they have been praying about if they would simply turn their attention away from themselves, away from their own needs and problems, and start to focus on being a blessing to other people.

pg 228 How about you? Are you so focused on getting what you want, what you need, that you don’t obey that still small voice when God tells you to bless others? Open your hands; don’t hold on so tightly.  God will not fill  closed fists with good things.  Be a giver, rather than a taker.  You won’t have to look far before you find someone you can help.  There is a whole world out there that’s crying out for help. You have the opportunity to live unselfishly, displaying the character of God.  God is a giver and you are never more like God when you give.


“Everyday A Friday, How To Be Happier Seven Days’ A Week”

pg.84  According to 2 Samuel 16:5-14, King David was walking down the street and a young man started making fun of him, calling him names and throwing rocks. He followed him everywhere, just pestering him, trying to pick a fight, trying to aggravate him.  Finally, King David’s friends said, “Do you want us to put a stop to him?” Do you want us to shut him up? He is a real pain.” I love the way King David answered.. He said, “No let him keep talking. Maybe God will see that I am being wronged and He will bless me for it.”  …You don’t have to retaliate. In fact, your attacker has done you a favor because God will be your vindicator.

Pg. 92 One who expects mercy says, “God I believe you will bless me despite my mistakes.”  Thats what Jacob did.  He had lived his life as a cheater, a deceiver, doing people wrong. He grew tired of living that way.  One day he decided he wanted to make things right.  He went down to the brook so he could be alone. Genesis 32 talks about how the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the form of a man.  Jacob and the angel began to wrestle. Their struggle went on all night.  Jacob said to the angel, “I know who you are and I’m not letting you go until you bless me.” When the angel saw how determined Jacob was and how he would not give up, he reached over and gave God’s blessing to Jacob.  Jacob left there a different person.

Pg. 156 If you are to become everything God created you to be, you must be willing to say, “I have come too far to stop now. It may be tough. It may be taking a long time. I may not understand it, but I do know this: My God is still on the throne, and what He promised, He will bring to pass.” Have a made-up mind, and resolve that no matter what comes your way, no matter how long it takes or how impossible it looks, you are in it for the long haul. You will not lose your passion. You will pass these discouragement tests.  Your victory is already on the way. Galatians 6:9 puts it like this: “Let’s not tire of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” (NLT)

pg 166 God wants to turn your test into a testimony.  That’s why God will allow you to face adversity. Being a believer doesn’t make you immune to difficulty. But God promises if you stay in faith, He will take what was meant for your harm and use it not only to your advantage but to display His greatness to other people. When something unexpected happens, instead of falling apart and panicking, expect God to show up and turn the situation around.

“It’s Your Time, Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams And Increase In God’s Favor”

pg 149 In James, the Scripture tells how we should wait for God’s promises like a farmer waits for his harvest…he waits with a knowing, with a confidence. In fact, he doesn’t necessarily hope that it happens. He doesn’t even have to believe that it will happen. He takes one step further. He knows that his harvest is on it’s way.

Pg. 200 The symbol for the word crisis in Chinese is made up of two words: danger and opportunity. In every crisis, in every loss, in every disappointment there is the danger of growing bitter, staying bitter, settling for less. Yet there is also always the opportunity to turn darkness into light 201 God knows every disappointment, every loss, and every challenge.  The good news is that your story ends in victory. [for followers of God] Your final chapter concludes with you fulfilling your God given destiny.

pg 257 The Scripture says “no good thing will God withhold when you walk uprightly.” When you live a life of excellence and integrity, a life that is pleasing to the Lord, God will bring your dreams to pass. He will cause you to be at the right place at the right time. You will find yourself even stumbling into God’s blessings.


I hope that you have found new hope and a new commitment to be not only a believer but a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. God didn’t leave us alone to fend for ourselves in this world. He promised us that those who walk in His ways are helped by Him.  If  a human son or daughter is rewarded for being obedient to their parents, don’t you think our Lord will reward us as well?

God’s Promise:

“If you, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him. (Matthew 7:11 NIV)


Music for your soul:

“Giants Fall” by Francesca Battistelli.




*A dedication ceremony is when Christian parents dedicate their child to the Lord, promising to raise their child in the church and teach the child about the Lord.  Later when the child is old enough, he/she can choose to be baptized.