Today I’d like to talk about following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
After many years of studying the Bible on my own with the Holy Spirit interpreting what I was reading , I finally realized that God doesn’t want us to simply believe in Him, He would like us to give up our life for Him.
I was in a situation that only the Lord could solve and I was straining my eyes to find Scripture that would help me. I came across many verses that would ask something of the reader- for instance-
“Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, lean not on your understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”(Prov 3:4-6)
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust Him and He will do this, He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” (Ps 37:5-6)
“But in that coming day, no weapon formed against you will prosper, and all those who tell lies in court will be brought to justice- these things can be enjoyed by servants of the Lord, I the Lord have spoken.” (Isaiah 54:17)
These are conditional blessings from the Lord and there are many more in the Bible. I finally understood the reason why many of my prayers remained unanswered and I still felt anxiety instead of peace.
At this particular time in my life, had been reading the Bible diligently day and night from 2002-2014, but that was it- I was simply reading the Bible and believing God to step in and help. I finally realized that I was not going to receive the conditional blessings of the Lord if I wasn’t following the condition. I needed to align my life with Scripture, otherwise my prayer life would remain ineffective.
I later learned that being a follower of the Lord means we are “In Christ” a term used to show we are “in” complete submission to His will, His leading and living for Him. This began my journey of stepping out of the secular crowd and everything that it entails including activities I liked to do. When we begin to step out in faith and do the things that the Bible requires of us, the Lord will step in and guide us. We can be confident that we will receive conditional blessings in His timing because we are following the Lord.
“The Lord’s eyes move to and fro throughout the earth to show Himself strong to those who’s heart is perfect towards Him.”(2 Chron 16:9)
I received a gentle whisper in my right ear telling me what to do at one point in my life. I also experienced a sentence landing in my head that I clearly did not formulate cautioning me that I was out of line.
For instance, when I enjoyed listening to secular music- which is crass at best- I remember a distinct sentence landing in my head stating “how can you enjoy music I abhor?” I later would be studying the Bible and a verse would grab my attention, like:
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”(Romans 12:2)
God’s desire is to mold us into clean vessels that He can use. He can heal through our hands if they aren’t tainted with activities that the Lord hates- yes the Lord hates many things:
“There are six things the Lord hates, no seven things that are detestable to him, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly into evil, a false witness who gives a false testimony, and one who stirs up discord among brothers.”(Prov 6:16-19)
Believing that God is all good and yet not doing our part to follow His good teachings, will make us frustrated. We have a part to play if we desire to live the best most peaceful and content life possible. How will the world know that we are His if we act like everyone else?
“We know that the Lord doesn’t listen to sinners, He listens to the Godly person who does His will.”(John 9:31)
“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with your whole heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD…”(Jer 29:13)
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