Post 186 Food For Thought



If people stare at me in the street- I’m famous

If I gain tremendous income so I don’t have want- I’m successful

If I partake in trendy diversions- I have pleasure

If I write something that impacted someone- I have fulfillment

I beg you to believe me that if I multiply these tiny triumphs by a million and add them together- they would only satisfy a drop of thirst next to what the Lord supplies me with His living water.

I also have new brothers and sisters in Christ and a new lifestyle with new goals, life focus, conversations and moral standards. It’s a choice between the world and Jesus’ idea of life for us. In other words a choice between the kingdom of the world, run by money and the Kingdom of heaven on earth established by Jesus.

(Based loosely on a poem by Malcolm Muggeridge poem)

“Seek first the kingdom on God and all these things shall be given unto you.”(Matt 6:33)

Food For Thought,
