Post 172 Fearing The Lord Benefits Us


Today I’d like to talk to you about fearing the Lord.

When I first encountered this idea, I was a bit put off. If the Lord was all forgiving and all merciful- why then should we fear Him?

Yes, God is all merciful and forgiving. He is also sinless and abhors sin. If God abhors sin then He cannot accept us until we repent of our sin and turn from them. He longs to be merciful to us and bring us back to Him, but it is up to us whether or not we receive His mercy by admitting our wrongs and allowing the Holy Spirit to help us live like the Bible teaches. If we do, we will receive the Lord’s protection, provision and peace.

Here are some Bible verses to show that until we repent, we will always suffer from the consequences of our sinful choices. The suffering is usually delayed due to the grace of God, and we may not even associate bad circumstances with our sin. But if we are honest with ourselves, we will understand why something negative has come into our life.

“For you have hidden your face from us and have delivered us into the power of our iniquities.”(Isaiah 64:7b)

“But those who choose their own ways— delighting in their detestable sins— will not have their offerings accepted. So I will choose their punishment and I will bring terror upon them, because I called and no one answered, I spoke and no one listened. But they did what was evil in My sight and chose that in which I did not delight.”(Isaiah 66:3a, 4)

The Good News is that the Lord will accept us and change our life in wonderful and amazing ways if we turn to Him, read about Him in the Bible and start a close relationship with Him by living the way He would like us to live.

“God will hear the prayers and help those who are humble and tremble at His word.”(Isaiah 66:2)

Even as adults we are subject to someone- and that someone is the Lord Jesus Christ. We can pretend that we are in control of our lives and that our hard work, good eating habits and savings accounts will keep us from experiencing things that those less hard working and less fit will experience. But God has the final say. A life threatening diagnosis can be handed to anyone at any time. Those who follow the Lord can expect to overcome the disease. Those who have ignored the Lord and refuse to serve Him will be less fortunate.

“Worship the Lord your God and my blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you. There will be no infertility or miscarraiges in your land and I will give you long full lives.”(Ex 23:25)

God has spoken- we should read His words.

Food For Thought,
