post 124 Body, Soul and Spirit Part 2


I would like to continue last week’s discussion.

When I was first reading about our soul, our spirit and the Holy Spirit, it was difficult for me to conceptualize. Then all of a sudden, I received a word picture in my mind and it has made all the difference in my understanding of this difficult concept- and I hope it helps you.

Think of the soul and spirit as two balloons inside of us; one inside of the other.  The outer balloon  is our soul which contains all of our preferences, addictions, painful memories, failures, intelligence; essentially everything that makes up our personality.  The inside balloon is our spirit- dead until it is opened up to life by reading or hearing the Word of God- in effect we become inspired. When we read the Bible and meditate* on what it says, that deflated balloon (our spirit) gets inflated by the Holy Spirit. The initial filling is basically the birth of our spirit- we are born again- this time from the inside out.  Every time we feed our mind with the Word of God- memorizing Scripture- the spirit within us takes in more of the life giving wisdom and power of God, and it presses against the “contents” of outter balloon diminishing our faulty thinking, pressing out our hopelessness,  failures, defeats, sin, addictions, depression, loneliness and the like.  After a period of time we are filled with knowledge of who God says we are, rather than being focused on our “baggage.” We are filled with the realization that we are all children of God- loved by God no matter what. God wants us to run toward Him so to speak, so that He can clean us up and bless us. If we choose to stay close to Jesus, we overcome every negative situation in life. Yes, we can overcome illness, addictions, lonliness, poverty, even broken relationships can be restored.  Our miracle working God  starts to help us realize that we are able, if we believe, to live a full, happy and healthy life the moment we believe and walk in the ways of our Lord.

God will not push Himself on us, we have free will to choose to ignore Him (except on Sunday’s of course) or we can get to know our Lord deeply, by seeking Him. We learn about the Lord by paying attention in a Bible based church- a church that doesn’t rely on tradition, enactments and rote memory of prayers. We all need a church that takes a verse or two of Scripture each week and breaks it down into usable wisdom that will improve our life and help us understand the Lord better.

It’s impossible to live a powerful life without a daily connection to the Lord through His Word. The world is simply too loud, too enticing and too distracting for us to avoid. We need to set aside as much time as possible to listen to what our heavenly Father has to say.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.“(Jer 29:13-14)

The most important point I would like to make is that our hearts must be in it. We shouldn’t try to intellectualize God. We need to set our brains on the sofa beside us when we read the Word of God, because God doesn’t think or move like human beings. His ways are higher than our ways. You will come across Scripture that will be so hard to believe, but if you allow the possibility into your heart and mind that God is supernatural and can do anything, you will be opening your life to His power. God’s power with our obedience will produce POWERFUL prayers.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord.“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

(Isaiah 55:8-9)

He created the natural laws, therefore He doesn’t need to abide by them. Miracles are His forte. We need to understand that most of us are living two dimentionally. We are using our minds to solve problems and our bodies to carry out our plans. But God has better, faster and more profound ways than the mind can conceptualize. He can cure cancer overnight. He can cure anything and He can help us with absolutely every problem we have. How do we receive this supernatural help? How do we tap into this third dimension, the dimension of the Holy Spirit power? Through learning about the Lord, diligently seeking to know Him through the Bible and then be willing to tell the Lord “not my will, let your will be done in my life.” Once you sincerely give up control of your life, God takes over and starts to lead you. It will be like pulling teeth at first, to agree with the way the Lord is leading us, but if we stay with it, eventually we will see amazing results and we will see how God lead us around some terrible situations.

This is hard for some of you extremely self sufficient intellectuals out there. But this is what faith is all about. And just like a wonderful, yet stern earthly parent, we will not receive the best gifts unless we are obedient. It is a narrow walk into the kingdom of heaven on earth. There are very few people who have enough faith to follow the the Lord and believe that He will provide for them and they end up bailing out and doing what they think is best for their situation. God has an answer to every problem, we simply need to sit with Him, reading His word daily. Then and only then will He will reveal the solution.

I hope you turn your life over to God and start the hard yet perfect journey into the Kingdom of heaven on earth. A place where we overcome every problem as we walk closely to the Lord.

All my best,


*meditating on anything other than the word of God is playing with the occult and it opens up your life to be influenced in a greater way by Satan. I can’t emphasize this enough- meditate on God even during yoga, or you are inadvertently taking postures that worship the Hidu god- Brahman.