Post 10 God Speaks Today

God speaks today.  Our job is to set aside time daily, through prayer and reading the Bible, knowing that He can still communicate with us today.

If I would have known this perhaps I would’ve sat quietly in prayer and picked up the Bible to study it, earlier in life.When I was in college, I rarely went to church. I would attend on the “important” days like Christmas and Easter or when I went home to visit my parents. Church, followed by scrambled eggs and bacon was a Sunday tradition at my parents home. However, even when I found myself in church, it  was just church to me, nothing too exciting just an hour a week to show God and the world that I do believe.

During those days I had no idea that the Bible had relevance in today’s world.   Therefore, never in a million years would I have thought that God could clearly communicate through the words in the Bible- much less communicate with me! God does speak to anyone willing to start a relationship with Him.

After opening up the Bible at thirty eight years old, looking to glean some strength and wisdom, I realized that God does in fact, try to communicate with every single person on the planet.

“God speaks once or twice yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men. While they slumber in their beds, then He opens up the ears of men and seals their instruction, that He may turn man aside from their conduct” (Job 33:14-17).

“If you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you to do-ask Him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.  But when you ask Him, be sure that you really expect Him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  They can’t make up their minds.  They waver back and forth in everything they do.” (James 1:5-8 NLT).

The important words to remember are that you have to want to hear Him and you have to expect to hear from Him. Our communication with the Lord starts with us; we need to draw near to Him, and that my friend, is done with a humble heart, a Bible in your lap and some of your time. This is an act of submission and God responds to those with a submitted heart.

That last quality I mentioned – time- is hard to come by these days isn’t it? We are just “crazy busy” all of the time. How are we ever going to find a quiet half hour daily to read God’s word and listen for His direction when we have so many other things to do?  My advice is to make time for Bible reading, it will be the best decision you ever made.

The first time the Lord spoke to me with a clear non audible sentence that landed in my head, I was SHOCKED. I was so shocked that I never told anyone for years! It was only after I heard a “seasoned” Christian talk about her experience with God communicating to her that I felt comfortable enough to share my experience.  Since that time I have heard many Christians tell me their experiences  and every time I hear a new account, it never fails to give me goosebumps.

The most amazing story I heard of someone receiving clear direction from the Lord, was when I set up this blog. I called the hosting site to ask for direction on how to do some technical maneuver and I got into a nice conversation with a young man.  Since he saw the name of my blog,  he gave me encouragement by saying “Lisa, use your Biblical Wisdom to get through these glitches!” I then asked him if he was a Christian. He answered me excitedly saying “Yes M’aam I’m a Christian and if we had time, I would share my testimony with you!” I told him that I had all the time in the world and to please share it with me!

This is his story…

Three years ago, this young man was in his early twenties; he was  depressed and saw no way out of his depressed state.  He was hopeless and so alone that he was going to commit suicide. He went into his closet ready to do just that, but decided to pray a quick prayer to  God first. Then the miracle… God spoke back. God told him that he needed to make a decision – was he going to be hot or cold about his faith. Why did God ask him this? Maybe because this guy believed in God yet he was about to take his own life.  If faith is worth anything, its worth everything!  Please read that again.  If you trust that God exists, then trust that He can help you and wants to help you!  You cannot be lukewarm in your faith, it doesn’t help you or the Lord.

“Anyone who isin’t helping me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is working against me” (Matt 12:30 NIV.)

This young man was so humbled and amazed that our Lord cared enough to speak to him, that he walked right out of that closet with joy, a new hope and a fire in his heart to spread the Word of God.

This young man, now twenty-seven years old, has a contagious faith. He is so happy and unafraid to share who God is with the world. I must say, our interaction was one of the many blessings in my life.

So I ask you to pick up a Bible and bring it to your most comfortable reading chair; say a prayer to the Lord to open your heart and mind to His direction, and begin to read. God knows your heart and whether or not you are skeptical or sincere. Your attitude will make all the difference in the world as to if you ever hear God speak to you.  My prayer for you is that you will hear loudly and clearly.


God’s promise:

“Draw Near to me and I will draw near to you” (James 4:8a ESV)

God is a gentleman, He will not force you to be in a relationship with Him, He waits until you want to be in His presence.

Music For Your Soul:

“Word Of God Speak” by Mercy Me.