“Then God looked over all He had made and He saw that it was good, very good.” (Gen 1:31a)
Every person, both the physically perfect and physically imperfect has been made by God, loved by God and has a purpose. The common question many people have when they see a birth defect or any other wicked illness in a child is “why would a loving God allow children to be born sick, deformed or develop cancer early in life?”
Answers to these difficult questions are found within the pages of the Bible. Some birth defects are caused by the sin of the parents- like those who take drugs or drink excessively. Some birth defects or childhood cancers are from the sin in the world, like mothers who lived in a polluted town with highly polluted air or water. Other birth defects we simply cannot understand and we need to go to God with our “why’s.”
When we go to the Bible with our questions, our pain and our loss of direction, we will never be disappointed. The Bible teaches us that the Lord is our healer and our provider of everything that is good. When we sincerely seek Him we will find Him and He will teach us.
“If you seek me you will find me if you seek me with your entire heart.”(Jer 29:13)
“And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do this very thing you have asked, for you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name.”(Ex 33:17)
“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.“(Isaiah 45:3)
These verses tell us that if we seek out our Lord for comfort and direction, we will find Him. If we obey His teachings we will have His favor. God will then either:
God’s goal for all of us is to have us live in obedience to Him so that we enter the Kingdom of God on earth. It is a place of power, answered prayer, joy, peace and an abundance of everything good.
So back to our title- illness is an opportunity for a miracle. Did you ever stop to think that if everyone was physically perfect, God would never be able to show His miraculous power in the lives of His obedient followers? Those that know the power of God and align their lives with His teachings offer up powerful prayers to our Lord. If these faithful people pray unceasingly for a healing miracle, never giving up hope, they are giving the Lord the opportunity to show His glory.
We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.”(John 9:31)
Think about this for a moment. What if our purpose involved giving God an opportunity to act in this world? What if our purpose included giving up control of our life- with our limited intelligence, perspective and bodily limitations- to have faith strong enough to step back and allow God to work through us to alter our life and the lives of those around us? Remember, God gave humans dominion over the earth. We have free will to do anything- we aren’t forced to stay on God’s path, we aren’t forced to pray. If we do pray and adhere to the teachings in the Bible, we are setting ourselves up for a powerful prayer life.
God has a Spirit but He doesn’t have a body on earth- He wants to work through us! Our lives can be a canvas that exhibits either human results or supernatural results. Even the most intelligent person in the world is no match for what God can do in our lives. Jesus said:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate” (1 Cor 1:19).
Therefore, any Christ follower can accomplish more with God than any doctor or a secular genius!
That gives me hope- what about you?
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