Post 119 God Reveals How He Works, In His Holy Book


Many of those who have never picked up the Bible do not realize the weath of knowledge and wisdom containined therein. God has given us an instruction manual to the best life we could live, a life that can be free from many of the problems of the secular world. We of course, will encounter problems and illnesses, however, those who are walking in the ways of the Lord overcome all problems until the last day God has chosen for us to be on this earth.

” If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7)

God created a highly organized world, and has a natural order to life, as shown in the book of Genesis.

“As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”(Gen 8:22)

This shows us that God is not random- doing things one way this year, and then next year doing things another way. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Therefore He has the ability to heal, perform miracles, prvovide for us and help us with any problem we encounter. We innately know that there is a God, it’s simply our choice to acknowledge Him and then obey His teachings.

“And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already,” says the LORD. “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”(Jer 31:34)

Therefore, anything you have to justify, probably isn’t the will of God. The ways of the Lord are self evident. Wrong choices are also self evident to the soul. Society -influenced by Satan-  slowly, year by year, changes our thoughts on a topic in order to make what was once sin, not sin anymore. The lines are blurred every single year.

Remember the term “living in sin?” Now people think that if they don’t test out the waters- so to speak- with their future spouse, they could be headed for divorce court in the future. Let’s look at this from God’s perspective.

If we honor God by asking Him to lead us to the Christian spouse He desires for us- we will be starting off our relationship on solid ground. Then if we honor God by keeping our dating relationship pure, as God instructs, we are fortifying our relationship with God as our sustainer, provider and protector. The future marriage will be founded on “the rock” of Jesus Christ and His teachings, and NOTHING can destroy a marriage founded and sustained with Him. On the other hand, a marriage based on the superficial desires of our human nature will be like a house built on sand. It will be destroyed- it’s simply a matter of when. It can be destroyed internally meaning it may not end in divorce court, yet the marriage itself will be dead unless we repent as a couple and acknowledge our sin.

Finding out how God wants us to live our lives is written all over the Holy Bible. It contains the truth. The truth is definitely hard to live out -until we invite the Holy Spirit to take over our desires so that we can live as God instructs.

It’s not the glitzy popular life, but it is a secure, peaceful life of abundance in every good thing.  It’s really our choice. Do we want to live an edgy, popular, many times crude life, satisfying our desires and sinking to the depth of our poor choices? Or do we want to avoid the hard edges of life and be secure in the Lord’s promise to us that we will overcome every single negative situation life brings us as we walk in His ways?

It’s our choice. Do we want to impress people, or do we want to be in God’s good graces?

Food for thought,
