For my readers who pride themselves on their intellect, I have a study to cite from a professor at the Wharton School of Business that backs up God’s Word in Galatians: “… a man will harvest what He plants.” (Gal 6:7)
Professor Cassie Mogilner found that spending time helping others- this is akin to planting time- will leave people feeling like they have more time (harvest.) The study participants who gave some of their time away felt not only better about the future but felt like they had more time.*
Interesting isn’t it? God’s Word is scientifically validated by intellectual minds at a prestigious school of business. We shouldn’t need a prestigious university to validate God’s Word, but some of the intellectuals out there who have not yet learned to trust Scripture, can feel confident that the time we give away or plant, out of the goodness of our heart, will come back to us.
Time can come back to us by way of better focus, so that we are more efficient in our tasks. It can come back to us through the help of a neighbor, who assists us with a large chore that would take hours for us to accomplish alone. It could come back to us in a variety of ways. No matter how we harvest the time we gave away, we can count on receiving this promise from the Lord: “God cannot be mocked, a man will harvest what He plants.”
God gave us the Bible to help us and to help others in this world. It’s not all about us!!
“All Scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching and correcting into all righteousness.”
Scripture is full of teaching moments that help us live righteous lives (lives in right standing with God). When we decide to live as God instructs we are blessed with conditional blessings. All of us have received blessing, but not all of us receive conditional blessings.
Many have been blessed with a job, children, a roof over their head, some spending money, free time etc. But conditional blessings are reserved for those who follow God’s teachings. Conditional blessings are based on a condition. For instance, if we serve the Lord in some capacity we can claim Bible verses that say “these blessings are for servants of the Lord.” Let me give you an example:
“You must serve only the LORD your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness.”(Exodus 23:25)
Those who decide to dedicate a portion of their time to serving the Lord, can claim a promise in the Bible like the one above. This verse tell us that the Lord will reciprocate by providing for us and protecting us.
We can count on never losing anything if we give something away; not only that- we can count on receiving more in return if we serve the Lord. Therefore if you make a habit of giving money to those who need it- you will never be without. If you give a helping hand, God will make sure you have when you need it. If you are honest and kind, God will bring honest and kind people into your life. The list of the give and take is endless.
Christians need to stand out. If we act like everyone else, how will anyone know that we love the Lord Jesus Christ? If Christians don’t love their neighbor- so to speak- who will?
The Bible needs more than just a passing glance- it needs to be studied with an open heart daily. When we do this God sees our interest in Him and He will open our mind to understand His ways. Studying the bible is not unlike when we study a text book to understand the material. If you work at truly understanding the material you will eventually come to understand it. It is no different with the Bible- the Holy Spirit within believers interprets the words and we will have our “ahaa” moment.
I encourage you- no matter what your age- to learn about our amazing heavenly Father. Your life will dramatically improve if you put these Holy Words to use.
Happy studying!
*Harvard Business Review online article: You’ll Feel Less Rushed If You Give Time Away- Sept 2012
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