Today I’d like to talk to you about the blurred lines of society.
Looking around our world today, it’s easy to see that the lines of right and wrong are getting more blurred every year, but one thing is for certain- there aren’t fifty shades of grey with God. The choices are black and white. In other words our choices are influenced by darkness or God’s light- right or wrong. And with the results of our choices not being felt for years, they often aren’t often associated with a decision made from darkened mind, a mind influence by Satan.
God promises us that if we turn our lives over to Him, giving Him the go ahead to FULLY lead our life- He will forgive us, stabilize our lives, and guide us to His perfect and rock solid path. We are the limiting factor in our ability to overcome all of life’s obstacles. Not by our own effort, habits or massive action- but by our relationship with and reliance on our loving Heavenly Father. It is that simple.
Popular thinking doesn’t equal correct thinking.
When we follow a trend, false theology or pick and choose what we believe- we can be certain our lives will remain a struggle, even if we are highly successful by the world’s view. The quicker we fully agree with our Creator- the more at peace we will be. If we choose to be our own god, and make choices opposite of God’s moral law, we are marching fast toward a bitter end.
But we were given a book- the Holy Bible- written by many authors all inspired by the Lord- containing events that were predicted that came to fruition. It also contains prophesies yet to come. It was supernaturally preserved and translations are supernaturally accurate. When we open it with sincerity, God’s light will illuminate the words unto our heart and we will feel the power and the soundness of their teaching. We will feel the Truth. If we fully follow the teachings, we are on our way to freedom, a freedom within the sane guidelines of our heavenly father.
…Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free…”(John 8:32)
Jesus replied, “truly, truly, I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” (John 8: 34)
The way to life- not a decaying hamster wheel existence- is to surrender our life to Jesus. When we do this God takes over and we begin walking through the hills and valleys of life with an insurance policy – that we will overcome everything if we have true faith and true desire to keep God and His priorities as our priorities.
Can you think of a guarantee better than that?
Food for thought,
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