Post 208 If You’re Not Listening To God, Who Are We Listening To?


Today I’d like to talk about the two choices we have. Yes, we really only have two choices in life. We can listen to sinful people who come up with ideas that sound amazingly sound and full of promise for our lives, or we can listen to God who tells us things that ARE amazing and completely sound and good for our lives.

Yes, life is really that simple.

Why? Because there is no human being, no genius, no multi millionaire self help guru who can lead us as well and as accurately as the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have read many self help books on finance, systems, habits and power to accomplish anything in life. These books were entirely motivational and got me to work hard, to lose the college 15# and to work towards a career I actually love (and I’ve been doing it for 28 years.) But these books only focused on one aspect of my life. There is no way a self help book can give anyone accurate information for a person to be a true success, because true success is when every aspect of a person’s life is thriving.

We must listen to God. We must make time everyday to sit at the feet of the cross so to speak and listen to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only He knows the whole picture, only He knows the future. Only He can lead us to a fulfilling life, a life of NO regrets.

If we haven’t read the Bible and learned from the Lord yet- the Lord has been trying to get our attention and He does this by:


through the words of another Christian

through unanswered prayer

money issues


These things come into our life because we are not living in submission to the Lord and therefore we aren’t protected. If we are following the Lord and His teachings, we are protected and our prayers are powerful. We can pray for our children and they too will be protected.

God wants more for us than we want for ourselves therefore if we are living the secular life, we are living in mediocracy, God wants us to live supernaturally through Him and live a life of abundance. A life overflowing with joy, power to overcome obstacles, rest, peace and financial security. If we only have one or two of these, we need to sit at the feet of our Heavenly Father and start to learn from Him. He will always lead us towards the best life!

Food For Thought,
