Post 174 Genetics VS God


God is greater than genetics. He can overcome any diseased organ in our body because He made it! the Bible is our medicine cabinet and reading it opens the cabinet.

We have all heard people blame their genes for their diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and cancer. Whenever I hear this I know- from studying the bible- that their blame is unfounded. If we are the product of our environment, we are saying that God has limited power- which is entirely untrue.

God is able to do ANYTHING! He can protect us from disease by leading us to the proper choices and empowering us to stay with them as we choose His paths. He can also heal all disease. But in order to discover the vastness of what the Lord would like to do for us- we must read the Bible.

In this scenario- let’s call it Genetics VS God- it didn’t take long to find a verse that was very clear on the answer to who can overcome our genes.

“If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to His commands and obey all His decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.”(Ex 15:26)

“And the Lord will remove from you all sickness. He will not lay upon you any of the terrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but He will inflict them on all who hate you”(Deut 7:15)

“So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and water. And He will take away sickness from among you.”(Ex 23:25)

The writing is on the wall. If we learn about the Lord through the words He gave us in His Holy Book, and if we do accordingly – we will be protected like any good father would protect and help his child. Obedience to the Word of the Lord is our guarantee to a safe, healthy protected and overcoming life.

Let me back up and say first- the Lord’s primary concern for us is not our physical health, it is our spiritual health. Are we believing, trusting and following the Lord and if so, are we growing closer to Him everyday.

With that being said, we can remember that God has redeemed us from poverty, sickness and eternal death/separation from Him.(Gal 3:13) Most churches only talk about believing in God as our ticket, so to speak, to heaven. But God did more than give us a chance to spend eternity in heaven. He gave us an opportunity to bring heaven to earth- to show His power by living as He instructs and being protected or helped through all of the diseases and events that can happen in this world.

And like a child, in order to receive these benefits we must be obedient to the teachings in the Bible. It’s not an exchange type deal where we say we will help the homeless so God will heal our disease- it’s a total life change where we have come to the end of ourselves and realize we need a Savior because our life choices have not set us free- they have enslaved us. (People are enslaved by overwork, substance abuse, food addiction, poverty, adultery, the lure of money, power and making a name for ourselves.)

God is the answer to every single problem. If we open our heart to search for answers within the Bible, we will find them. Then it is up to us whether or not we take the first step towards improving our health. This first step can be likened to the Bible story of the Apostle Peter who got out of the boat to walk on water to meet Jesus who also was walking on the sea. Peter trusted Jesus to get out of the boat but when Peter started looking at his circumstances- the wind and the tall waves- his faith withered and he started sinking. Jesus held out His hand and pulled Peter back out of the water and scolded Peter for his lack of faith. We too can look at our circumstances and think that there is no way to overcome a history of breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc but God can protect us from any disease and heal any disease that has taken hold of our bodies. Our part is to give our life to God, trust Him and follow His teachings. This is the protected life. We are free from the worries the secular world encounters. As we come to truly understand this biblical truth, we will desire a life of service to God for our gratefulness.

We must not look at the wind and the waves- or in our situation- the inherited diseases. We must look to the Savior of the world, who is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all that we could think or imagine.

 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us”(Ephesians 3:20)

The power that works in us is the Holy Spirt and the Holy Spirit takes over more and more of our choices when WE allow it to. If we stubbornly choose our own way, we have limited our own power. GOD GAVE US FREE WILL- HE WILL NOT FORCE US TO DO ANYTHING! God can only help us if we choose His ways.

“For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.”(Isaiah 41:13)

If by chance your loved one was not cured of a disease despite being a follower and servant of the Lord, maybe he/she desired to be with God more than on earth. We must always remember we don’t know our loved ones thoughts, therefore don’t think that God isn’t all powerful- He is!

Food For Thought,
