post 137 Choose To Stay Faithful Even During Injustice


Today I’d like to talk to you about Joseph, the brother in the book of Genesis- who was favored by his father. Joseph was given the coat of many colors by his father and everytime he wore it, the coat reminded his brothers that he was favored. The brothers were so jealous that they devised a plan to kill him, but later decided to sell him into slavery. While in slavery he was allowed to live in Potiphar’s house (an officer of the Pharaoh) Apparently, Potiphar’s wife was a little frisky because she tried to entice Joseph to come to bed with her, however Joseph was a man of honor and refused….take a look:

“There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil sin against God.” As she spoke day after day he did not listen to her to lie beside her or be with her…she caught him by his garment saying “lie with me!” And he left his garment in her hand and fled and went outside…she left his garment beside her until his master came home. Then she spoke to him with these words, “the Hebrew slave…came in to me to make sport of me”…So Joseph’s master took him and put him in jail…but the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer. (Gen 39:9, 12,16,17, 20,21)

Joseph started out life well, being the favored son of his father but then his life took a spiral downward when he was sold into slavery and then falsely accused of raping his master’s wife.

During all of these wicked events, Joseph was protected by the Lord. Before he was thrown into jail he lived in a nice house with his master and had all the comforts of shelter, food and protection. Later when he was thrown in jail by a false accusation, he was favored by the chief jailer and treated well. God had a plan. The theme of Joseph’s life was that God took the horrific incidents Joseph endured at the hand of his fellow man and turned them into good- for many people.

Joseph was close to the Lord and he could hear and understand the Lord’s voice. Because of this Joseph was able to interpret dreams which served him well when he was in Pharoah’s care.

Pharoah had a dream that he trusted with Joseph to interpret-the dream forcasted a future famine.  Due to this revelation, food was stored up to prevent massive starvation including the starvation that Joseph’s family would’ve encountered.

“Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve your life…Now therefore it was not you who sent me here but God” (Gen 45:5,7)

This verse is a statement by Joseph to his brothers. The brothers were in need of food and therefore they traveled to Egypt to obtain some so that their families and the other Israelites would not starve. When they found out that their brother, whom they sold into slavery, was in charge of all of the grain in Egypt, they wept bitterly. They were regretful of the fact that they treated their brother so poorly due to their jealousy.

In the verse above we hear a very kind hearted Joseph. A man who could’ve withheld food from his family if he was so inclined. But Joseph was a man who knew the kindness of God and when you know God and let the Holy Spirit influence you, a person is able to readily forgive and love without conditions. Scripture also tells us that God offers us a peace that surpasses all understanding when we trust and obey Him. (Phil 4:6-7).

Joseph’s slavery put him in a position to save his family and countless others. It may take a long time before we learn why and what our suffering accomplished but like Joseph, our job is to be patient and trust. Suffering can bring us to a standstill in life without resources to live freely in the world, yet this quiet life can allow greater things to be accomplished.

It is difficult to accept injustice, but if we trust God, the Holy Spirit will work in us to give us a patience and kindness to get through the difficult time without hate in our hearts for those that hurt us.

“Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity,
and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.”

(Prov 22:8)

Are you waiting patiently for the last few pieces of the puzzle to fit into your life?

