“Then God said let there be light, and there was light.”(Gen 1:3)
Do you believe those words?
Our destiny, including our financial stability, peace of mind, and ability to comeback after a major setback or illness, depends on whether or not we choose to believe those very first words spoken by the Lord. No, I’m not exaggerating. The quality of our life is based solely on our belief in- and relationship with God. Success encompasses much more than we have been told. If we are millionaires yet suffer work related health issues- are we a success? If we have billions in the bank and a Lear Jet in the hanger, yet have no true peace- are we successful? If we are extremely comfortable with our financial situation yet cannot escape loneliness or addiction – are we successful?
God is the light of the world and the originator of everything that brings health, joy, peace and happiness. In that opening verse, “Let there be light and there was light, “ it’s as if our heavenly Father stated: “Let there be Me,” “Let Me inject myself into the darkness and let Me be the light that opens the eyes of my people to guide them.” We will see as the book of Genesis unfolds, that the Lord is not the light that makes us see what is in front of us- He created the sun to accomplish that task. God is our guiding light. He keeps the best path illuminated so that we choose the safest, healthiest and most prosperous path. Yes, prosperity is part of His plan. But without God guiding our steps we will be in darkness, groping our way towards what we feel we need. We need more than feelings because feelings are fickle. If we relied solely on feelings the world would be in utter chaos. We need God and His guiding principles and they begin in one of the most profound books of all time- Genesis.
By reading the words the Lord left for us in His Holy Book, starting in Genesis- and choosing to believe and follow them, we have taken upon ourselves the best protection from evil the world will ever know. He is the light that makes us see how to live our lives. He is the light that shows us what true, lovely and right. In other words, He is the plumb line of life. He is the Truth. If we don’t view the world and our life through His light, in other words- through God’s teachings-we are simply guessing at life. We are guessing at what is right and what is wrong. We are striving towards what we feel will bring us happiness without a view of the entire picture of our lives. We are making choices based on the lies we have been fed by Satan in order to determine what we should do with our life. Belief in God is a start, but studying the words He left for us, is our winning lottery ticket to blessings and a wonderfully powerful, content life. He is God after-all- the only all powerful, all knowing, ever present deity and with those credentials we should be able to trust His wisdom. It’s up to us to humble ourselves to believe that humans don’t have all the answers- including the most brilliant human beings.
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the intelligence of the intelligent, I will frustrate.”(1 Cor 1:19)
To be continued…
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