When you hear the word confess, what do you think of?
Most people think of confessing a wrong or a sin in their life. But did you know that there is another type of confession that is just as important to the Lord as our confession of sin? It is our confession of faith.
When we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He has died and resurrected to live on within each believer as the Holy Spirit- we are using confession in a way that can bring others into a relationship with the Lord.
So the confession of sin brings us closer to God and the confession of our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ will bring others closer to God.
Some pastors refer to Christianity as the Great Confession. We shouldn’t be closet Christians and keep secret about our faith. We should talk about it, write about it, follow the teachings by adjusting our speech, behavior, dress, social life and our use of money.
Everything in our life must change if we are to enter the Kingdom of God on earth, receive God’s benefits and bring glory to the Lord.
When we do these things others may ridicule us, unfriend us, be embarrassed or uncomfortable around us and we may even experience these things within our own family. Many people are under the assumption that we should support others in our family no matter what choice they make and to not judge. But the Lord tells us to judge (analyze) our behavior and others behavior and turn from anything that doesn’t line up with the Word of God. We must not judge (condemn) others for their sinful lifestyles lest we be condemned by God.
So the entire message is summed up in love everyone but turn away from sin and do not support it or ignore it. This may make some people “unfriend” us but God has standards that true followers must live out:
“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mother or wife or children or field for my sake will receive 100 times as much and inherit eternal life.” (Matt 19:29)
Below is an excerpt from Charles Spurgeon’s sermon 7/19/1863 on the topic:
“I cannot love father or mother more than Christ, lest I should not be worthy of him.” You must be willing to give up all that is near and dear to you, whoever it may be; though loved as your own self, and precious as your own life, you must give all up if these stand in the way of your following Christ Jesus the Lord. “Ah, well,” one says, “this is hard!” Yes, but remember for whom you do it! It is your Redeemer...
Let’s confess who’s standards we have decided to live by- the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the end, it is not the man with the most friends, the most money, the most experiences that will win the Lord’s approval, it is the person who stood with the Lord even when it was hard and cost him/her precious relationships.
The Lord should be number One in our life- listened to, followed and loved like no other.
Food For Thought,
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