Post 62 Faith Is Active


So I have some good news…God wants you to enjoy your life!

“I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

The way to this abundant life is FAITH! And faith is more than believing in our Father who lives in heaven.  It is believing everything that He accomplished for us through His life, teachings and death. He came to earth to show eyewitnesses His power to heal diseases such as demons (probably akin to schizophrenia), blindness, leprosy, deformity etc. These eye witness accounts are recorded in the Bible.  To top it off, God is the same God who lived in Biblical times and He is still able to do the same things!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, forever.”(Hebrews 13:8 ESV)

This means that God didn’t die a harsh, humiliating excruciating death just to get us to heaven. He died this death so that He could live on within us through the Holy Spirit to help us enjoy life, heal us and make us whole so that we can live out our purpose.  Contrary to popular belief, we play a major part in how much God can help us. We must believe in the teachings in the Bible.  We must believe that He can and wants to heal us. We must believe that He can get us out of any terrible situation. The key is to turn our lives over to Him, and let Him be our personal Savior.

The Lord can prove His power, love and kindness to us in an abundant way if we allow Him to guide us by reading His Word and doing what He says.  The verse below is an example of how he directs His people, but they have an active part to play…

“Look! I’ve given you the land that lies ahead. Go in and possess the land that I, the LORD, promised to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as to their descendants.”(Deut 1:8 ISV)

In this verse God had given the land to the Israelites, but they had to trust that He would help them fight a winning battle with the inhabitants of that promised land. It was up to the people to step out in faith and fight and then enjoy the land. Trust is equivalent to faith.

Here is another verse about Jesus being unable to heal people in His hometown of Nazareth, due to their unbelief…

And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”(Matt 13:58 NIV)

To those who have faith and accept His guidance, He will direct your path.  To those who have faith and know He can do miracles, He can heal.  To those who have faith and follow His guidance, He can turn your life around.  To those who have faith, He can give an idea that benefits you and the world while bringing Him glory. To those who have faith, He can give peace that surpasses understanding. To those who have faith, He can give supernatural strength in dire circumstances. To those who have faith, He can make the blind see. To those who believe God when He says we can overcome anything with Him, the lies of the devil are stopped and depression/suicide are removed from a mind forever!

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
(1 John 5:4-5)

To be born of God means to stop seeing the world and our circumstances as people of the world but to see them as children of God who trust their Father. If we are obedient children we receive God’s amazing blessings. But God needs our active faith in Him. God needs us to agree with what He has told us in the Bible because only then can we reach out and take hold of the promise of a better, healthier, peaceful and more fulfilling life.


God gave us a choice, also known as free will- are you going to exercise your free will of believing in our miracle producing God? Or are you going to believe the destructive, discouraging thoughts that the devil brings to your mind? IT’S YOUR CHOICE!

Unless you start to read the Bible followed closely by trusting God with all that concerns you, you will never know the miracles God can do for you in this lifetime.

Active, trusting faith is the answer to all that concerns you. Open your heart and put God first place in your life by carving out time to read the Bible and memorize Bible verses. These Bible verses are your spiritual weapons when depressing, discouraging, fearful thoughts enter your mind through the devil’s suggestion.

Are you sick, fearful or discouraged?  Take these Bible verses (there are many more too) and personalize them by saying, Lord you said in your word…

“I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord”(psalm 118:17)

“… do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(Isaiah 41:10)

 “ Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Depression, anxiety, lack, stress, discouragement, loneliness are all thoughts put in our head by the devil.  The devil wants us to think our lives are hopeless!  We need to arm ourselves with verses from the Bible and live life the way God describes and trust that God’s Word is reliable. Obedience to God brings supernatural assistance to our lives.

Faith is not just belief in God, it is an active trust that what God says in His Word, is what He desires for us! Put the Bible to good use and NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.“(Ephesians 1:17 NIV)


Have a faith filled week!
