Happy Fourth of July!
When I wrote this post two weeks ago, I had no idea that it would be posted on the Fourth of July. I’m sad that I didn’t write a patriotic post…perhaps next year!
So on with the topic at hand, wisdom.
So, you say, why read the Bible? Why acquire God’s Wisdom? What will it really accomplish in a person’s life that will be of benefit?
If you are asking these questions, you have not found the treasures contained within the Word of God- so keep reading that wonderful, indestructible, living seed of the Word of God!
The purpose of reading however, the end result that God desires for us, is that it strengthens our faith and leads us to do good in this world which will ultimately glorify Him. When the secular world is destroying relationships, property, causing dissension and hate, the true following Christian is avoiding the gossip, looking for the good and relying on our amazing Father in heaven for help to get us through the roughest days of our lives. These Christians are NEVER disappointed.
Faith in God is so much more than believing that Jesus walked the earth, performed miracles, died and rose again. Faith in God is daily dying to yourself and following His teachings because there is no other way to a peaceful life.
What is dying to self? Here is an example.
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever felt left out of the crowd? Have you ever had someone be rude right to your face and get others on the bandwagon of ridicule against you? In times like this, our human nature tells us to prove ourselves to be right or to lash out in anger and hate toward the perpetrator. Or, maybe expose a fault of the hater as a way to get them back.
This accomplishes nothing in this world except to add to the hatred already present in the world. God asks us to say nothing- to take the high road. I’m asking you to walk in faith knowing that you are valuable, that you have what it takes to be an asset to this world- then let God fight your battles His way while you rest in peace. This takes a solid knowledge of Scripture.
“The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.” Exodus (14:14)
You will find that knowledge of the Word of God is all you need. You don’t need a quick tongue to fire a dart at another- you can pull up a verse from Scripture, repeat it in your mind and then the “peace of Christ that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind.” (Phil 4:7 NIV) And when this happens you will be amazed. That full feeling of anger within your chest will melt immediately. The more Scripture you know, the closer you will be to actually saying “Lord, let me see this person as you see them.” “Let me see the good in them.”
Is this easy. NO! It isn’t easy until you get over the mountain of human pride within you and realize that all people are valuable, all people have positive qualities to offer the world, all people are on different journeys of faith and some are farther along than others. Those at the start of their faith journey will still act as a secular person- being lead around by their feelings instead of making every thought, word and action captive to the direction of our Lord.
… take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5b)
The more you read the Bible, the more you will realize that controlling your feelings of anger and putting behavior and words under the confines of Scripture is the correct way to act even though it seems very weak to the world. But, God uses your behavior to mightily impact the person attacking you! If that isn’t enough, obedience to God always brings blessings to us. Read Proverbs 3 here
So the end result of Wisdom- of knowing the Word of God- is that our faith in God’s ability to move on our behalf is activated. Faith is the “plug” into the source of God’s wisdom and thus His power. Won’t you join me in using the mighty weapons of our Lord?
“The weapons we use are not the weapons of the world, instead they have divine power.” (2 Corinthians 10:4)
God’s Promise:
If you listen carefully to what He says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.(Exodus 23:22 NIV)
Music For Your Soul:
“Greater” by MercyMe,
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