Choose To Follow God’s Plan
“So God created Human beings in His own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it.” (Gen 1:26-27)
Let me first address our roles.
This verse tells us that God created two sexes- male and female- to partake in heterosexual relationships to procreate. Therefore, if we want to be blessed with God’s peace, joy, contentment and God’s way to prosperity- we should honor God’s directives and our God given sexuality. Some may not understand it, Some may not like it, but if we follow His teachings we will be blessed- we will have entered through the narrow gate into the Kingdom of God that has started here on earth.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…”(Matt 7:13-14)
The narrow gate is a word picture that tells us that we need to follow the direction our heavenly Father- His specific plan, in order to get into His place of blessing. By forgoing our own choices and instead doing what God teaches us, we are aligning ourselves to receive an abundance of good things -starting with peace in our soul. There is no depression when we are walking in step with God.
There are only two realities in the Christian world- those who believe in Jesus as our Lord and good Father and choose to stay within His guidelines and those who believe in a God- yet live life as they choose. The life of the follower of Jesus Christ can lead to overcoming every illness, financial difficulty and problem. The life lived by our own standards ends in an early death- often with many problems along the way. Therefore, when we submit ourselves to God’s ornate plan we will find our greatest freedom- we don’t need to fight for our life, fight for prosperity, fight for peace and contentment. All these things are guaranteed to followers of the Lord. We may have to go through an illness, a financial downturn and some rocky times, but followers of the Lord overcome EVERYTHING. It is written ” the enemies that rise against us will be defeated; all that we touch will prosper and succeed; our children will be blessed and our baskets will be full.” (paraphrase Deut 28)
If we want to, we can abuse our freedom and live life as we choose. For instance, if we abuse our freedom to eat, drink alcohol or take drugs our bodies will become so sick that we restrict our ability to do things we used to enjoy before we partook to excess. Our freedom has put a prison around us. We have effectively restricted our life by living as we chose, rather than submitting to God. But God reminds us in His Word that He has given us power and direction through the Holy Spirit and the Word, to make choices that lead to life ( health) and choices that lead to good (godliness), as this verse shows us:
” His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue…”(2 Peter 1:3)
Our freedom is a double edged sword. God’s directives are the path to living powerfully with the help of the Holy Spirit. This will enable us to have an abundance of health, joy, peace and a vital abundant life. Choosing to submit to God’s plan allows the Holy Spirit to help us. It is not by our own effort, it is the powerful Holy Spirit who gets us on track and helps to moderate our behavior.
“If you follow my commandments and teachings you will be blessed…”(Deut 28:1)
Living based on the Word of God is unshakable. Living based on the culture is building a home on the sand, it will shift, break and ultimately be destroyed. Choosing to go against our Creator, is choosing depression, unfulfillment and unhappiness.(Matt 7:24-27)
“I have listened and heard; they do not speak what is right. No one repents of his wickedness, asking, ‘What have I done?’ Everyone has pursued his own course like a horse charging into battle. Even the stork in the sky knows her appoointed seasons. The turtledove, the swift, and the thrush observe their time of migration, but My people do not know the requirements of the Lord. How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us?”(Jeremiah 8:6-8)
The next part of the opening verse states “fill the earth and govern it”
We are stewards of this earth- caretakers if you will- because we don’t own the earth, we manage it. Therefore we need to take good care of it. There are many companies, farmers and ranchers in the world today that are good stewards of the earth and it is no surprise that these and other companies based on God’s business model are very successful; for example Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A. By subduing the sin of greed and placing the welfare of the employees, customers and the earth as the top priority in a business model, we will always have abundance!
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”(2 Cor 9:8)
God is a good Father. God leads us to the path that will bless not only each individual, but the world as a whole. This requires that we set down our idea of what is the best plan for our lives and consult with the Lord.
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”(Matthew 16:25)
If you are ready to live for God, all you need to do is pray a prayer such as this:
“Heavenly Father, I repent of my sins, I give you authority over my choices, you are my Lord*and Savior.”
*Lord= someone having authority or influence
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