Today I’d like to talk to you about the fact that all of us will succomb to the lies of Satan unknowingly- unless we open the Bible to enlighten ourselves.
Satan is all about lies and destruction. He wants to steal all of our hope, dreams, friendships, family, time, money and our health. Satan will stop at nothing to accomplish his mission- which is to have you either:
A. Believe in God and then then learn nothing about Him- His blessings, peace, power as well as His hate of sin.
B. Completely dismiss the thought of God and believe that life is what you make of it.
God is all good, and if God is all good, He cannot tolerate sin. If we sin, we are not in His presence.
“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”(Isaiah 59:2)
Sin literally separates us from God and our life is what we make of it. Living in sin we will live, love and fail based on the blessings God has already given us and we will not be privvy to further conditional blessings.
Some people are misinformed and think that God is all loving and He will accept any choice that we make. Many believe that God is complacent to the fact that we are inventing our own ways of living in this world. God sees all and has an opinion on everything- and His opinion NEVER changes, that is why His Words are called Truth. “God is the same yesterday, today and forever(Heb 13:8). God’s idea of sin doesn’t change- EVER!
Sin is missing the mark in life, like an archer misses a target. We are aiming for happiness, peace and prosperity but our ways of going about obtaining them are all wrong.
“Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they don’t see the light of the gospel…”(2 Cor 4:4 NLT) You may say to yourself, “I believe in God.” Well, that is a wonderful starting point but the real question is, do we have faith in all He has done for us? Do we have faith that He will never let us be destitute as we put our trust in Him? Do we beleive He will turn our wayward family member around if we pray fervently for them? Do we really have faith?
Faith is trust that God is who He says He is and will do all that He says He will do- the good, the bad and the ugly. We must have faith, trust and fear of the Lord.
Take a look at this verse:
“There are six things the Lord hates, no seven things the Lord abhors, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who utters lies, a person who spreads strife among brothers (sisters).”(Prov 6:16)
Ok lets break that down. The Lord hates:
We must stop believing that the ways of the world evolve and change and new morals emerge with each passing generation.
We need a plumb line for our behavior. We need to be told what is good and lovely and right. We need to know that the end result of our own choices leads to destruction and the end result of living God’s way leads to life in it’s fullest. The fullness of health, joy and prosperity that won’t be devoured by Satan.
How might Satan devour our finances you ask? By enticing us to eat poorly, smoke, vape, drink alcohol to excess, do drugs (even newly “legal” drugs), and work excessively so that our health fails and we succomb to cancer or another illness. Then we must spend time in hospitals not earning an income, taking drugs like chemotherapy which will deplete our hard earned cash reserves.
Satan can entice us to have an affair. Then divorce is usually the next step complete with paying an attorney hundreds of thousands of dollars to represent us. After the divorce is completed, we will then need to pay child support for our own children and/or support the children of the person we married. Our financial situation after the divorce rarely recovers fully and we are left with the fallout of slaving away at our jobs for decades to come.
Satan can also make you think that being a “good person” is enough. That if you try to do the best you can and are nice most of the time God is okay with our behavior.
Well I don’t know about you but I don’t consider myself smarter than God. I need His guidance and His wisdom to make the right choices in life. I AM smart enough to observe that more and more affairs, divorce, addictions, dishonesty and unethical business practices are running rampant in this world today and with it- more end stage illnesses. Coincidence? God tells us in His Word that He will do whatever it takes to get us to turn to Him. Because only with Him can we live our best life full of peace in our minds and heart. So if we encounter any adversity or illness, it is in our best interest to ask God why? Like any good father, He will not let you “run out into the street without looking.” In other words, let you run to a path that could destroy you mentally, physically, emotionally or eternally.
Satan is real. Satan wants our life. Satan wants our happiness. Satan wants to ruin our families, our health and our financial stability. Then he will try to get us adddicted to a substance so that we become a slave to it.
Personally, I’d rather be a slave to God- unable to do things that He abhors, and choosing to follow His idea of what a clean life is. I know that God loves me and wants what is best for me. And with my obedience I will be lead to optimal health as well as joy, power, peace and prosperity.
What about you? What will you be a slave to this year? It’s your choice…
If I were giving advice to my younger self, I would tell myself to befriend an avid Bible reader who has molded their life to the ways of the Lord. Then I would have first hand evidence of the ease of life, the joy and the blessings that God bestows on His followers.
Food for thought,
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