Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We begin this relationship by reading God Word found in the Holy Bible. Religion is a man made form of Christianity that incorporates some biblical teachings, but not all.
Christianity takes the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” (2 Tim 3:16 NLT)
The rules, traditions and enactments of all faiths were thought up by people and sometimes directly contradict the Bible.
For instance, the Bible teaches:
“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”(Matt 23:9)
This is a clear example of Catholicism usurping God’s Word. Not only that, anyone who uses the title “Father” is disrespectful to the Lord and has ulterior motives.
God’s Word, found in the Bible never changes. It is relevant now and forever- there is no reason to change perfection. It was given to humanity to guide us to the safest, most joy filled path in life, a path with no need to backtrack due to error. God’s path leads to increased blessings as well as protection. Religion seems to convey rote prayers and rules that if followed make one feel they are in right standing with God. The bible teaches that the only way we can be in right standing with God is through a surrendered life.
Christianity teaches that no one should bow down to an image/person and worship them. Nor should we direct our prayers to anyone other than the Lord Jesus Christ. If we do, we are worshipping idols. Scripture is our foundation and there are no verses within the Holy Bible that direct us to pray to human appointed “saints” or the virgin Mary.
“Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, interceding for us.”(Rom 8:34)
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them..”(Ex 20:4-5)
If Jesus Himself came to be a servant to others, and didn’t dress in pious outfits, what makes us think that Jesus would want a sinful human to take an exhaulted role? The Bible is clear, every human being should be a servant to others. Servanthood shows our allegiance to Christ and our changed life from the Holy Spirit’s influence.
The act of worshipping anyone other than Jesus Christ is clearly against the Bible. It’s why the Catholics had to change the 10 commandments. They removed commandment two from the Bible and split commandment Ten into two in order to have ten remaining commandments.
See here for side by side comparison of Catholic Ten Commandments and the authentic Ten Commandments found in the Bible:
Peter 1:20, 21, “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. Prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (NIV).
Learning about the man we call Lord and Savior should be a daily effort. Reading the Bible is the best and wisest start- not the Catholic Bible or a paraphrase of the Bible, the actual God inspired Holy Bible. Then and only then, can the Holy Spirit teach us what is true and lovely and right.
” I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”(1 John 2:26-27)
Jesus has authentic power. Satan is aware of this and therefore uses power hungry people to lead us astray. Rome has desired Jesus’ power from the beginning, that is why they crucified Jesus.
Jesus showed his power over evil when He resurrected from the horrific death sentence Roman soldiers inflicted upon Him. Then He came back to earth for 40 days before He ascended into heaven, gaining even more followers and worshipers. This angered Rome, who desired all honor and power. Since Rome couldn’t kill Jesus they decided to “join” His cause- so to speak- as a religion. Various religions set up a false front in order to lead people away from Jesus Christ and towards their ideas.
There is a reason you feel empty in church instead of full of joy and praise to Jesus Christ. It is because your religion has stripped you of your God won blessings. The remedy to confustion, lack of joy and the abundant life Jesus won for us, is to read the Holy Bible. Scripture will change your life.
Food For Thought,
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