Hello readers!
Today I would like to talk to you about the Trinity of God. Let me start by sharing this verse of Scripture:
Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” (Gen 1:26a)
This is our first introduction to the Trinity. God used the word “us” in this sentence to show that He is more than one. He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And since we are made in His image, we are a three part being as well. We have a body, soul and spirit. The body is obvious. The soul is our mind, personality, intelligence, will and our emotions- and this is what will go to heaven when we die along with our sprit.
Our spirit is our unused potential- like a deflated balloon inside us, and it can communicate with God through the Holy Spirit.
In order to receive the Holy Spirit’s initial filling and thus our first words of wisdom from God, we must first believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must believe that He died on the cross to allow us to be free of the consequences of our misdeeds- however big or small. We must also believe that Jesus has risen from the dead.
Okay, let me stop there. If Jesus didn’t leave the earth as He had planned, His ministry would simply be in the flesh of a man. He would be teaching by human means and until television and the internet came along, the teaching would have been slow going. Instead, we have the Good News of the Gospel which tells us that Jesus left His Holy Spirit as a teacher to help us understand the Bible as well as to realize it is the pure Truth of life.
Jesus sacrificed His blood in order to allow us to be abundantly free. Jesus is our Father. He has done everything to provide us with a good, healthy and prosperous life. We simply need to sit with Him and learn from Him by reading the Bible. We do not need to be limited by our human thinking. Believers have God’s Wisdom- it’s higher, better and less exhausting. Jesus’ last words before He gave up His Spirit were:
“It is finished.”(John 19:30)
What is finished you say? Everything. He has the wisdom to overcome every problem and He wants to share it with us. We simply need to sit with Him and learn through the Bible. A heartfelt desire to follow Jesus is the ticket to receiving His wisdom and all the blessings He has for us.
Therefore, if we spend time in the Holy Book, nothing can stop God’s power from flowing into us. He is our healer. He is our provider. He is our peace. We can overcome everything that comes against us: depression, addiction, fear, illness, lack, hopelessness…the list is endless with the help of the Holy Spirit. So the spirit that we were given at the moment of salvation-in other words, at the moment we believed in Jesus- begins to teach us the minute we choose read Scripture. WE ARE THE LIMITING FACTOR to receiving God’s wisdom and power.
Some people think that reading devotionals is enough. Others believe taking Bible study classes is enough. Neither of these is true. We must first and foremost go by ourselves, to the Bible and read. Only then can a word of Scripture “jump off the page” into our heart and begin to teach us.
We must choose to read Scriture for our most peaceful, joy filled and purposeful life. The abundant life* that Jesus told us we have in Him.(John 10:10)
End of Part 1.
*”Abundant life” refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy, peace and strength for mind, body, and soul.
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